Making Medium Claps Great Again

Darnell Clayton
Darnell (Africa)
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2017


I love how Medium is eschewing advertising but Medium Staff should mimick what Periscope is doing & allow premium members & non-members to donate directly to the publication/author.

Just as super hearts is a great way for fans to support Periscope broadcasters, allowing Medium readers to directly support publishers they love via super claps would be a more effective (& transparent) way of giving financial support.

But since super claps sounds dumb (unless you are Superman of course), I suggest we call these monetary hat tips whistles.

Image Credit: BlueBudgie

Whistle‽ Say What‽

When an audience shows appreciation for a play, movie, concert, et al, they clap.

However, if an individual wants to display enthusiastic support they whistle (note: I can not whistle so I hoot – but hooting sounds juvenile so no love for me).

Similar to Periscope, readers could purchase whistling packages via in-app purchasing on iOS, Android & desktop (latter via Stripe).

As an added bonus, every time a reader taps/clicks on the whistle button a whistle sound is made (note: some folks hate noise so making the sound optional is recommended).

Obviously Medium will have to figure out the UI & UX for an extra button on the screen (which is not my area of expertise).

In Conclusion…

Hopefully Medium will consider a direct way for readers (both members & non-members) to help great writers to not only put food on the table but also help separate the platform from rivals (like WordPress & Tumblr).



Darnell Clayton
Darnell (Africa)

A carbon vessel interested in all things celestial. A human being with spiritual meaning. A political soul seeking libertarian goals. |