Saturday, August 1st, 2020

Small-ish but kind of fun at South Manhattan


Location: South Manhatttan Beach, CA

Time: Early morning ( 6am-8:25am)

Conditions: Mixed swell 1–3' peaks with rideable shoulders, glassy conditions, medium tide rising through the mid-morning

Equipment: 8' Almond R-Series

Company: Cherilyn, Joy

Finally a session with some decent conditions. Still on the smaller side but some fun rides to be had. I didn’t feel like my form was great this time as I stood up slightly off balance on a couple waves. I think I need to remember to stretch my calves, ankles, and hamstrings more for increased dorsiflexion.



Darrin’s Surf Logs…and Other Things

Darrin Moret is bodysurfing enthusiast from Los Angeles, California who dabbles in writing from time-to-time.