Sunday, August 2nd, 2020

Thick marine layer and small surf in North Manhattan Beach

Location: 26th Street area, North Manhattan Beach

Time: Early morning ( 6am-8:30am)

Conditions: Clean, glassy 1–2' surf, thick marine layer, rising tide

Equipment: 8' Almond R-Series

Company: None

A thick marine layer blanketed the coast as I left Marina del Rey and drove south towards Manhattan Beach this morning. I decided to split from Cherilyn and Joy who’ve been strictly surfing South Manhattan Beach and try my luck at 26th street for a (very) slight change of scenery at least. I found a free parking spot at the bottom of the lot across from the lifeguard building. The fog obscured the view of the water but I decided to suit up and paddle out regardless.

The waves were noticeably smaller than the day before, tending towards the 1' to occasional 2' range rather than the 1'-3' yesterday south of Manhattan Pier. Fortunately for me, I was equipped with my favorite 8' foamie so I was able to catch quite a few fun waves regardless. I actually got some decent lefts and rights where I was able to trim down the line just ahead of the curl. It would have been nice if the waves were slightly better but I cannot take anything for granted and a fun time in the ocean is a fun time in the ocean!



Darrin’s Surf Logs…and Other Things

Darrin Moret is bodysurfing enthusiast from Los Angeles, California who dabbles in writing from time-to-time.