Thursday, June 11th, 2020

Quick bodysurf at Playa del Rey Beach

Darrin’s Surf Logs…and Other Things
1 min readJun 12, 2020


Location: Playa del Rey Beach, Los Angeles, CA

Time: Late morning (9–9:30am)

Conditions: 1–2' S / SW swell, glassy conditions, low tide

Equipment: DaFin Swim Fins

Company: None

I wanted to squeeze in one more saltwater session before yesterday before I left for Walnut Creek with my dad and stepmom to visit family. After taking care of some business with Hector at the house on Alvira street, I went back to the Marina, grabbed my swim trunks, towel, and swim fins, and bicycled down to Playa del Rey to get wet and maybe swim into a few closeout barrels. I knew the waves were small but it was another warm, sunny day out so it would be good to get in the ocean. I pedaled down the bikepath a little ways and parked near one of the jetties. I walked down to the water and swam out with my fins. Unlike my first bareback bodysurf attempt this year at South Venice just a couple days prior, the water felt refreshingly cool rather than painfully cold. 1–2' waves broke just yards from shore. Managed to catch one or two before I got out to dry off and head back.



Darrin’s Surf Logs…and Other Things

Darrin Moret is bodysurfing enthusiast from Los Angeles, California who dabbles in writing from time-to-time.