Wednesday, January 13th, 2021

Fair conditions this morning at Bay Street


Location: Bay Street, Santa Monica, CA

Time: Morning ( 6:35–8:00am-ish)

Conditions: 2–3+ WNW swell, super high tide peaking mid-morning, glassy conditions

Equipment: 8' Almond R-Series Joy

Company: Antonio

It was a nice morning to paddle out with fair surf ( by Bay Streets modest standards) and glassy conditions. Although the high tide was slowing things and the waves still closed out more often than not, I managed to catch several pretty decent lefts and rights on my Almond foamie. A little ways south near Venice boardwalk, smoke billowed from a raging fire as sirens wailed, Antonio arrived around 7:30am. Just has he was paddling out, a family of several dolphins came swimming right past me! Always a treat to share the water with them. All in all definitely worthwhile.



Darrin’s Surf Logs…and Other Things

Darrin Moret is bodysurfing enthusiast from Los Angeles, California who dabbles in writing from time-to-time.