Few notes on kAvya — काव्य 

Some subtle differences between SAStras and kAvyAs

Prasad Chitta
darSana, SAstra, vijnAna
2 min readApr 13, 2014


While writing about SAStras, I have said “SAStras originate in the prajna of the author RSi.” But the literature is primarily divided into SAStras and kAvyas.

kAvya on the other hand comes from the pratibha of the author kavi. When a RSi is capable of narrating the subject by putting subject under discussion into a beautiful expression with alankAras (figurative speech) containing nice words giving good sounds as well as giving the meaning in such a way that it attracts the reader / listener towards the subject; such a person is called kavi.

In short, a SAStra is like a technical text book. A kAvya in contrast is a narrated story that serves exactly the same purpose of SAStra but making it more attractive and appealing to the reader.

pratibha is the figurative expression of the prajna. Studying a kAvya has no prerequisites. It can be studied by anyone who has good interest on the subject.

So the wise say:

काव्य शास्त्र विनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम् । व्यसनेन तु मूर्खाणां निद्रया कलहेन वा ॥

kAvya SAStra vinOdEna kAlaH gacchati dhImatAm, vyasanena tu mUrkhANAM nidrayA kalahEna vA.

Wise ones spend their time in the amusement (vinOda) of kAvyas and SAStras. On the other hand, fool’s time goes in addictions (vyasana) or by sleep (nidra) or in conflicts / quarreling / fighting (kalaha)

Studying the right subjects in the right manner leads to proper utilization of the time in the life span of individuals. It leads to prosperity, peace and ultimate good for individuals as well as the whole social structures formed by individuals.

My rack with kAvyA and SAStra books, I amuse myself in…..

Writing these notes on Medium is also a from amusement, vinOda of spending time wisely for me. I love it!

