Sayana EkAdaSi — chAturmAsyam

Prasad Chitta
darSana, SAstra, vijnAna
2 min readJul 15, 2016

Sanatana dharma and its practice!

Sages revealed the secrets of eternal principle in various ways. Time as it appears from the Earth is dependent on Sun and Moon. As Sun traverses northern hemisphere and turns southwards; that marks an important seasonal change — it is now the monsoon after the summer.

Today’s 11th waxing moon phase is the Sayana EkAdaSi, the lord of world Sun gets into a phase of meditative sleep for the period of 4 months i.e., 8 fortnights of total 24 fortnights of the year which represents one day in his counting.

These 4 months starting from Ashadha Sukla EkAdaSi observed by the householders of sanatana dharma as chaturmasa vratam. This period of 4 months is most suitable for spiritual endeavours taking up dietary restrictions and turning mind inwards.

Saints who have given up the family life and taken up the life of sannyasa start the chaturmasya vratam on the full moon day of Ashadha month, which is the birth anniversary of sage vyasa the author of all puraNas and the teacher of this age, kali yuga. Sages stay at one place for this 4 month period and teach the seekers approaching them during the period.

Householders live by self imposed restrictions to free themselves from the over attachment to the worldly comforts during this period. They give up some kinds of food, follow celibacy, sleep on a hard surface or on a mat and give up any thing that is becoming addictive to them. Listen to discourses from gurus, practice meditation so that at the end of householder’s life one can easily retire into vAnaprastha Ashrama.

So, the sanatana dharma allocated 1/3rd of a year to serious study of spirituality under the guidance of guru and it starts from today.

Let the eternal dharma guide one and all!

Hamsa Ashramam where My Guru taught

