The nature of SAstra — शास्त्र 

Reveals the subject in a systematic teaching; a good counsel

Prasad Chitta
darSana, SAstra, vijnAna
2 min readMar 28, 2014


SAstra (शास्त्र) means a treatise with divine authority, scripture, teaching , instruction, direction, advice, good counsel. To gain the right understanding of any subject we need a teaching which has been tried and tested by an authority.

Modern science always explains subjects which are experienced with the five senses or the sixth, mind. Sense perception and Inference are the two generally accepted sources of knowledge. Elsewhere I wrote in brief about the pramANa i.e. valid sources of knowledge.

The third source of right knowledge is the scripture. A verbal testimony by someone who is trust worthy. One who has rised above the layer of worldly transactions, one who is revealing the truth, not expecting any reward in terms of wealth or respect, who has complete handle of the subject being revealed and having the ability to express without ambiguity and not even expecting to be accepted. Such a person is called Rshi (ऋषि). A methodical instruction provided by a Rshi on any subject is termed as SAstra.

SAstra deals with three aspects of the subject under discussion. Of the past called smRti or remembering the past facts; Of the present called mati or the attention to the detail and Of the future called buddhi deals with the application. The combination of all the three spheres of the given subject is called prajna. From the prajna of the Rshi the SAstra originates.

  1. SAstra is always revelatory and never mandatory.
  2. SAstra provides techniques to attain the various stated purposes of life.
  3. Most importantly SAstra provides the “right ways” to attain these ends.

The fourfold relation between the student (one who is qualified to learn with necessary prerequisites called adhikari), and the subject matter (called vishaya), sambandha (or the relationship) and the usefulness (prayOjanam) defines any SAstra.

In the sanatana dharma there are various SAstras describing the multiple subject matters related to dharma i.e., righteousness, artha i.e, gaining and administering the power, kAma i.e, fulfilling the desires and mOksha — attaining the salvation. All the four fundamental goals purushArthas of human life.

I blog artha SAstra here —


mOksha SAstra (yOga vASishTha) here —

