Why (गणेश) gaNESa caturthi?

Prasad Chitta
darSana, SAstra, vijnAna
2 min readSep 17, 2015


gaNa means a group. ISa is the lord. gaNESa is the leader of a group or groups.

In our body we have two groups of organs. First group is called sensory organs made up of eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin giving ability to know. Second group are hands, legs, mouth, excretory and reproduction organs giving ability to act.

Both the above groups of organs are powered by the same life force i.e., prANa Sakti or the vital energy that makes a living being living. So, the central vital energy that is the basis of functioning of all the organs of our body is always established in the point of origin called mUlAdhAra.

The universal consciousness that reflects through these groups of organs aka indriyas is called mind. Mind is like moon i.e, candra चन्द्र who just glitters or shines. Along with the ego, mind do not acknowledge the supremacy of the consciousness. The pride makes the mind to even make fun of the eternal source of light from the consciousness. So, the mind is cursed to cause all sorts of defects and problems to those who do not raise above the mind and surrender to the supreme reality.

On the bhAdrapada Sukla caturthi, moon realized its defects and prayed to lord gaNESa and surrendered to him. lord being merciful, pardoned all the faults of candra and kept him as an ornament on his forehead.

So, on every bhAdrapada Sukla catruthi we all invoke our individual consciousness into a mud gaNESa statue and bow down to him for removal of all obstacles caused by the duality of mind’s likes and dislikes, pride and ego!

