A Web3 application case study

Andrea Maggetto
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2022

In the size-increasing Web3 world, there are some applications that are better to watch out for.

Once again, the this-so-consolidate buzzword of Web3 popped up. With a growing number of companies that are quickly switching from using the Web applications we grapple with daily, Web2, to the blockchain-based applications race of its successor, Web3, there are yet interesting and useful products and tech startups, which are already shaping the future of the entire Technology industry.

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

A little introduction

Blockchain, Web3, Crypto, DeFi are well-established words that, mostly in the last year, have started to be the main characters of the tech world.

For all those who are not closely involved in this upcoming-revolutionary world, the four terms above could be interchangeably amongst each other, even though they refer to something specifically. Let’s make a refresh:

  • Blockchain: As the name suggests, it is a chain of linked blocks that store important data for making transactions occur.
  • Web3: The grandaddy of them all, Web3 is the generic word that is related to all the in-making applications that are decentralised, including Blockchain, Crypto and also Metaverse.
  • Crypto: Maybe the most renowned out there, it deals with a digital concept of currency that can’t be tracked by a middleman or any kind of authority. A perfect instance of crypto could be the ALGO token.
  • DeFi: A superset word that fundamentally is linked with the meaning of finance in Blockchain environment: Crypto handling and generally all digital assets management, such all those related to Metaverse: Real estate owning and any kind of rewards, to name a few.

These 4 words above are the concepts at the bottom of the Blockchain revolution that will likely affect the way we see the world of tech and any other kind of digital-based industry and business.

With this in mind, let’s keep on our journey.

What kind of applications are involved in Web3?

Currently, there are already different kinds of applications ready to use when it comes to this disruptive technology: Games, Communities (In jargon, DAO), and also innovative Social Networks.

Usually, the providers of these services are young people who want to effectively build up their startup and, in the future, be considered the main part of this groundbreaking revolution.

Furthermore, another array of useful services provides by Web3 regards the matching possibility between someone who’s willing to offer tech-based types of jobs on one hand, and, on the other, a community of people who are eager to put into practice the bits of knowledge they’ve acquired.

Just some time ago, I came across an interesting startup that’s right involved in this kind of product: Darshana.

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Darshana: It’s about connecting your tech talent with the right tech gig

Just some weeks ago, while I was endlessly scrolling through my Instagram feed, I got in touch with this interesting platform, Darshana.

The main goal of this innovative startup is to provide the proper match between tech talent and a tech company, always inside the Web3 realm.

There are multiple peculiarities of Darshana, such as:

  • Community: The Community, created using the Discord platform, represents one of its pillars. Inside it, you’re going to get in touch with talents, tech passionate, the founders themselves, as well as be involved in group tasks and games. One of the most appealing features of the community is being to be rewarded (through crypto) for the value you provide to the entire community: No matter what your background is, a relationship with people is a must.
  • Always feeling free to share ideas: Wrapped around the Discord community, there are further useful channels to interact with the other joiners. Inside them, there’s a high possibility you’re going to get in touch with someone who has a disruptive idea and is looking for co-founders and collaborators. Moreover, on a daily basis, information covering the Web3 world but also courses for software development and startups are common to be shared.
  • Basically, it’s an innovation hub: Everyday discussions about crypto investment, Metaverse and overall new technology arise. Whenever you lack an idea, in Darshana you’re going to meet what you need.

In conclusion

If you aren’t curious about the important products Web3 can provide, then you should. Someone also has supposed Web3, and Blockchain, are going to have the same impact Internet had back in the day.

There are already companies that are already planning solutions toward the decentralization concept and, over time, they’re definitely going to have a huge position in the tech field.

Moreover, If you’re a job seeker or someone who’s looking for people who wants to be involved in your idea, then Darshana is a must to participate in.

Story wrote in collaboration with Darshana.

Site: https://app.darshana.io/

Discord community: https://discord.com/invite/darshana

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darshanaio/

Medium: https://medium.com/darshanaio



Andrea Maggetto

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