Work Smarter, Not Harder Ep.1

Annalisa Caballero
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2 min readApr 13, 2022

Tips, tricks and How-To

Last week we hosted our first episode of Work Smarter, Not harder .

The panel was composed of VCs and female founders like Sara Ledterman (@saraledterman), Renata Merino(@RMB2), Kelly OConnell (@KellyO_Cares), and our hosts Annalisa Caballero and Natalie Gil.

It was a successful event with more than 30 people listening, sharing and mostly having a good time. We shared ideas, resources and know-hows.

If you missed it don’t worry will host the second episode tomorrow Thursday 8 am PST , 13th of April!

The topics discussed

  • Venture Capitalists still feel risky to invest in Web3 for different reasons. One of those reasons is the high volatility of assets, the lack of business plan integrations, and the uncertainty of country regulations.
  • There is investment for women by women in web3, however, investors still look for a business that can be profitable, whether it is web3 or not. Having a good business plan, a sustainable plan, your KPI’s and defined metrics will help you to get seed funding.
  • Develop a flexible and contingency plan
  • Angel investors and Protocols Grants are safe choices when you have a web3 project to get pre-seed money.


We need to use our social media platforms to highlight women leaders.
Representation is essential.

Meme of the week



Annalisa Caballero

Founder of Crypto Mujeres DAO2B, Growth Marketing Specialist, Social Media, Community Management Expert, Content Creator, & Web3 enthusiast.