Administration Half-Compromises on Dorm Access, Refuses to Back Down on Housing System

Webb Harrington
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2019
Recent Student Assembly Email: 10/17/19

On October 17, 2019, Student Assembly sent out an update on the issue of Dorm Access. Last month, supposedly for safety reasons but more likely in an attempt to push the unpopular housing system into campus life, Dartmouth revoked student door access to dorms or community spaces not affiliated with a student’s “Housing Community.” Student Assembly reacted very negatively, immediately sending out a long email rebuking the official Administration narrative and creating a petition to reverse the changes. The petition received nearly 3,000 signatures and the College agreed to work with Student Assembly on the issue. One working committee later (the method that the College usually uses to obfuscate responsibility for unpopular decisions), the Administration has decided to restore access to community spaces regardless of housing affiliation. However, the College refuses to do so for dorms. Student Assembly says the process is not over and we will see in the coming weeks if Luke and Ariela can convince the College to reverse its unpopular decision.



Webb Harrington
Editor for

Economics and History major; Dartmouth ’20. Editor-in-Chief, Dartblog.