Remembering Joe Asch: Prof Charles Wheelan

Published in
1 min readNov 12, 2019
The Hanover Country Club | Wikimedia Commons

I met Joe when I was appointed chair of the committee appointed to contemplate the future of Hanover Country Club. His reputation preceded him, obviously, but the first time I sat down with him was when he assembled a group for lunch to talk about the golf course. All kinds of things struck me, then and in my future dealings with Joe. First, the guy had remarkable energy (and little patience). He wasn’t even a golfer. He moved so quickly, and with such a clear idea of where he wanted to go, that it is no wonder the pace of academe frustrated him. Our golf course lunch led to lots of good ideas, but then the energy began to flag — and that was when Joe jumped in to speed things along: suggesting architects, offering to raise money, connecting us with other parties. He was a steamroller, a metaphor I use deliberately, as I’m sure it was not pleasant to stand in the way of where Joe wanted to go. As someone who shared his vision for what the Hanover Country Club could be, I found his frankness and energy to be a remarkable asset. I miss that wind at my back on this project.




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