dArtFlex = NFT + Artists + AI

Published in
4 min readMar 30, 2021


The First CrossChain AI NFT Marketplace.

dArtFlex is a new NFT marketplace that is set to take the rapidly growing sector by storm. Read on for an overview of how it works, what it does and to find out why you don’t want to miss this opportunity.

The name dArtFlex contains several meanings, let’s take a closer look…

  • Netflix for digital Artists

Everyone knows Netflix. The versatility of its platform and its delivery to customers inspired us to create an intuitive, user-friendly, and flexible product, where the experience of browsing through our art store feels just as easy as finding your favorite show on Netflix.

  • Digital Flexible Art

dArtFlex features built-in flexibility. It is one of our core driving principles, and is at the heart of everything our user experience provides.

Human-AI collaboration

We believe digital art should have a platform that aims not only to trade and validate NFT ownership but also to create a new level of interactivity and creativity.

Artists express their creativity in many ways, and we will supply them with a range of innovative tools that fosters that creative spark.

While many platforms allow users to share their work with others, dArtFlex gives creators the tools to combine it with artificial intelligence, opening the doorway to a whole new generation of art — the collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence.

Hopefully, this explains our choice of name for the project — dArtFlex = NFT + Artists + AI — let’s now take a closer look at one of its core ingredients, AI.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in dArtFlex

We use an AI technique where we allow users to essentially combine images and artworks to discover totally new images, and new ways to express themselves.

This can lead to an infinite number of random new images created from each parent image by combining multiple images together. The platform lets you mix and combine everything you can imagine.

For example, AI mechanisms could combine new rareness sequences built from basic images and unique parameter lists, to create completely secure and unique galleries, featuring never before seen works of art.

For collectors, this interaction with AI will allow them to gain the consent of artists to use their products in new and exciting ways within their own new collections, thus allowing collectors to combine and mint even more unique works of art.

Project components

We want to encourage all artists to get involved with our platform, and will ensure using dArtFlex to create is as easy as possible.

Further distinctive features of the platform include:

  • Allowing users to choose the blockchain where their NFT work will be sent after its creation. For example: Ethereum, BSC, Flow, and many more.
  • The free creation and minting of art.

Other common dArtFlex features will include:

  • A decentralized marketplace and NFT auction
  • A straightforward process of tokenizing art and creating an NFT
  • An internal AI algorithm based on GAN
  • Unlockable NFT content that becomes visible only after transfer of ownership
  • Changes to NFT parameters using platform tokens
  • Artists will be able to create an NFT and set a commission as a resale royalty
  • A system that makes it possible to propose and vote for platform updates and changes, giving artists control of the marketplace.

Our users

Our audience is an international community, featuring:

  • Artists (digital art of any format), designers, photographers, video makers, writers, journalists, musicians, and any other creator you can think of
  • Artificial Intelligence (e.g. @RealSophiaRobot)
  • NFT collectors
  • NFT Investors

About the dArtFlex platform Token

The platform token will determine the amount of activity on the protocol, including issuance and use (based on staking, rewards, and distributions).

  • Users who want to change the name (or parameters) of an NFT can only do so using platform tokens.

NFT purchases are made with platform tokens.

  • Token ownership provides a bonus in the form of a discount on dArtFlex platform commissions
  • The marketplace charges a certain commission for any transactions
  • When using artificial intelligence tools, the commission is higher than for a regular purchase.

Token rewards.

  • When staking tokens, users are rewarded based on their purchases.

Sub-platform launch.

  • The ability to conduct a sub-auction and receive a reward in the form of tokens for activity.

We are already in the process of developing a beta version!

To find out more about what we are building and to join our community head to our Twitter to stay up to date with news and information.

We’re excited to show you what we have planned! Watch this space.

