Hosting a private Dart package repository

Improvements in Dart 2.15 for secure enterprise package hosting

Jonas Finnemann Jensen
7 min readMar 16, 2022


Our recent Dart 2.15 release added support for private package repositories. A package repository is a server that hosts Dart packages for consumption by the dart pub client. This post discusses how to use private package repositories alongside, leveraging the new token authentication mechanism introduced in Dart 2.15.

This feature has already been adopted by Cloudsmith and JFrog Artifactory who offer custom package repositories as a service:

Private Dart repositories are now offered by both Cloudsmith and JFrog Artifactory.

Why use a custom package repository?

The default package repository,, is operated by the Dart team. It facilitates publication of Dart packages for public use, and allows any Dart developer to consume those packages simply by adding the name of the package to their pubspec file. This enables a rich collection of Dart packages to be created by an active ecosystem. However, a custom package repository might be useful in the following scenarios:

  1. Sharing private packages within an organization. This could be an organization looking to share internal proprietary packages among the members of the organization, and not with the general public.
  2. Tight control of dependencies in enterprise environments. Some corporations want to explicitly create allow-lists for specific package versions approved for usage. This might be done to enforce code review policies or license compliance.
  3. Secure environments without public internet access. Some organizations operate in a regulatory environment where connections to the public internet, and by extension, are not allowed. This typically applies to government agencies/contractors and some banking service providers.

Organizations that just need to share a few proprietary packages (scenario 1) might use git-dependencies. This is a powerful mechanism because thedart pub client command invokes the git client for cloning git-dependencies — this way you might authenticate cloning a dependency using your SSH key, and manage permissions using GitHub/GitLab teams. With GitHub support for SSH using Yubikeys this setup works well in some cases.

However, git-dependencies in dart pub have some limitations when it comes to version solving. When using a git-dependency, dart pub just clones the tag / branch / ref specified in pubspec.yaml, because there is no mechanism for trying multiple versions of the dependency. Thus, using a private custom package repository can be attractive because a custom package repository can supply the dart pub client with a list of versions, allowing the version solver to pick a compatible version and avoid conflicts. It also makes it easy to upgrade both private and public dependencies using dart pub outdated and dart pub upgrade --major-versions.

Git dependencies doesn’t support organizations looking for tighter control around dependencies (scenario 2) or using a secure environment without internet access (scenario 3), as a lot of packages have to be mirrored. In these scenarios it’s almost always preferable to simply have a custom package repository mirroring an allow-listed subset of

Using a custom package repository

Starting with Dart 2.15, you can depend on a package from a custom package repository using the short-form hosted dependency syntax:

version: ^1.4.0
sdk: >=2.15.0 <3.0.0

The short-form syntax requires an SDK constraint >=2.15.0, because older versions of the Dart SDK don’t support this syntax. If you don’t want to worry about syntax, you can also just use the dart pub add command to add a dependency from a custom package repository:

$ dart pub add foo --hosted
Resolving dependencies...
+ foo 1.4.0
Changed 1 dependency!

Using the hosted-dependency syntax, it’s possible to mix dependencies from custom package repositories with dependencies from the official package repository. The following example depends on package foo from the repository, and package retry from

retry: ^3.0.0
version: ^1.4.0
sdk: >=2.15.0 <3.0.0

This is useful when sharing private packages using a custom package repository (scenario 1). But for tighter control of dependencies (scenario 2) or working in a secure environment without internet access (scenario 3), it might be preferable to override the default package repository.

Overriding the default package repository

By default, dart pub get fetches dependencies from unless the hosted-dependency syntax is used to specify a custom package repository. However, it’s possible to override the default package repository using the environment variable PUB_HOSTED_URL. This approach is particularly useful when mirroring a subset of (scenario 2 or 3), as there is no need to update the pubspec.yaml file to reference the custom package repository URL. For example, it’s sufficient to write the following:

retry: ^3.0.0
foo: ^1.0.0

If allow-listed versions of packages retry and foo are copied to the custom package repository, and the environment variable PUB_HOSTED_URL points to the custom package repository URL, pub get can work as follows:

$ export PUB_HOSTED_URL=
$ dart pub get
Resolving dependencies...
+ retry 3.1.0
+ foo 1.4.0
Changed 2 dependencies!

This works best when the build server sits behind a corporate firewall that disallows outgoing network connections in order to avoid accidental injection attacks when someone forgets to set PUB_HOSTED_URL. Similarly, it’s also advisable to set publish_to: <hosted-url> in pubspec.yaml to avoid accidental publishing to (when PUB_HOSTED_URL isn’t defined).

Authentication against custom package repositories

Most custom package repositories are likely to be private package repositories that require authentication. Dart 2.15 introduced the dart pub token command for managing authentication tokens. Requests to a custom package repository are authenticated using a secret token. You obtain the secret token from your custom package repository and pass it to dart pub token add <hosted-url>, which prompts for the token as shown below:

$ dart pub token add
Enter secret token: [enter secret token]
Requests to "" will now be authenticated using the secret token.

Authentication from CI environments

When running in CI it’s often possible to store secrets in environment variables, and while it’s possible to pass secrets using echo $TOKEN | dart pub token add <hosted-url>, it’s also possible to tell dart pub to read a secret from an environment variable when talking to a specific custom repository:

$ dart pub token add --env-var MY_SECRET_TOKEN
Requests to "" will now be authenticated using the secret token stored in the environment variable "MY_SECRET_TOKEN".

This ensures that dart pub doesn’t actually store the secret in its configuration file, instead it merely stores the fact that it should read the secret from the environment variable $MY_SECRET_TOKEN. This allows secrets to only be stored in environment variables when operating in a CI environment, and reduces the risk that secrets are accidentally leaked if the execution environment is shared between CI jobs.

Publishing to custom package repositories

To publish a package to a custom package repository, you specify publish_to: <hosted-url> in pubspec.yaml, and run dart pub publish. This uses the same token for authentication as is used by dart pub get. At a minimum, your pubspec.yaml file should look something like the following:

name: mypkg
version: 1.0.0
meta: ^1.7.0
sdk: >=2.15.0 <3.0.0

When running dart pub publish it is important to review the information given. Before confirming the publishing action you should always do the following:

  • Check the URL where the package will be published.
  • Review the list of files to be included in the package.
  • Consider the package validation recommendations. For example:
$ dart pub publish
Publishing mypkg 1.0.0 to
|-- lib
| '-- mypkg.dart
'-- pubspec.yaml
Package validation found the following potential issue:
* It's strongly recommended to include a "homepage" or "repository" field in your pubspec.yaml

For publishing to custom repositories the recommendations might not be important, but providing metadata for a package is often useful. On, packages with proper metadata and documentation score more pub points.

It’s possible to publish to custom repositories by overriding the default package repository using the environment variable PUB_HOSTED_URL but, if you do this, it’s strongly recommended that you specify publish_to: <hosted-url> in your pubspec.yaml file; this prevents you from accidentally publishing your proprietary packages to the public repository. And if you don’t want to publish your proprietary packages to any package repository, specify publish_to: none to prevent accidental publication.

Get a Custom Package Repository

As previously mentioned, custom package repositories are available as a service from multiple commercial vendors, alleviating you from the overhead of hosting and maintaining your own custom package repository.

Token authentication in Cloudsmith

Cloudsmith has been offering private and public Dart package repositories since 2020. Cloudsmith recently announced support for token authentication with their Dart package repository offering. For more information, check out the Cloudsmith documentation.

A private Dart package repository hosted by Cloudsmith.

Dart support in JFrog Artifactory

JFrog Artifactory recently announced support for custom Dart package repositories, including support for layered repositories and mirroring packages from the public package repository on For more information, check out the JFrog Artifactory documentation.

A custom Dart package repository managed by JFrog.

Closing comments

For those who would like to write their own custom package repository, we’ve published a specification for serving Dart package repositories. It’s fairly simple, but feel free to open issues on the repository if aspects are unclear, or if you have any suggestions for improvements.

