Boost Your Productivity with a Playful Twist: Meet the Productivity Panda!

Andrew Truong
Dartmouth CS98
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2023

Are you tired of falling into the endless distractions of the internet while trying to stay productive? Say hello to your new digital companion, the Productivity Panda! This innovative browser extension is about to revolutionize the way you approach your online activities. Imagine having a cute, interactive panda by your side, nudging you towards productivity and helping you break free from bad browsing habits. Join us on this exciting journey as we show off the Productivity Panda and how it can — with a little help from chatGPT — transform your digital experience.

Using Chrome extension’s capabilities to know which websites the user is currently browsing, we can store productivity statistics to the local storage. This is for the user’s sake, so they know that we aren’t collecting their data and that their privacy is safe. From that, we not only know the current website being browsed, but patterns of web browsing over the past day, week, or month. This data is useful for tailoring the panda interactions to the current usage.

Through Rive, we can, without any solid digital arts background, quickly create charming animations where the panda may dance, explode, or even throw up. We made sure to use Rive’s state machines feature, where certain inputs describe the state of the model. Each time a website is loaded, a content script is run: this is where all the control over pet interactions occurs. Information about the site’s productivity rating, the user’s browsing habits over time, and the panda’s energy levels is accessed from the local chrome storage. Based on these, certain interactions will occur. The actual implementation of these is imported from another module, which uses the anime.js library to control the Rive elements.

One animation where the Productivity Panda dies on an unproductive site

One way in which the user can feel a special connection to their panda pet is customization. A user can choose to give their panda special hats via the popup window.

Going through each of the hat options

But interactions aren’t limited to the panda’s screen animations. Our panda can also be a great coach! Using the ChatGPT api, we were able to give our panda a voice. Depending on what website the user is on, or what video they are watching, or their past week’s website usage, the panda will say something unique to the user. This was achieved by engineering multiple prompts that feed in user data, to give more specific responses to what the user is doing.

Personalized coaching from Productivity Panda

The impact of the Productivity Panda extension goes beyond just improving browsing habits; it has the potential to transform the way we approach productivity in the digital age. By integrating a fun and interactive digital pet into the browsing experience, users are not only motivated to stay focused but also encouraged to develop healthier online habits.

The digital pet’s emotional expressions mirror the user’s productivity levels, reinforcing positive habits and alerting them when they veer off track. This immediate feedback enhances self-awareness and accountability, leading to increased productivity and a better work-life balance.

As we look to the future, the Productivity Panda extension holds immense promise in various domains. In educational settings, it can assist students in managing their online study time effectively, fostering a more engaged and focused learning experience. In professional environments, it can serve as a valuable tool for individuals and teams striving to achieve their goals efficiently.

Furthermore, the Productivity Panda extension highlights the importance of mindfulness and intentionality in our digital lives. By bringing attention to our browsing habits and their impact on productivity, it encourages users to be more conscious of their online behaviors and make intentional choices. This shift in mindset can have a profound ripple effect on users’ overall well-being and productivity, both personally and professionally.

In a world where technology often contributes to distractions, the Productivity Panda extension offers a refreshing approach by leveraging gamification and companionship to drive positive change. By merging productivity with playfulness, it empowers individuals to take control of their online experiences and unlock their full potential. The future of this innovative solution holds the promise of a more productive, balanced, and fulfilling digital lifestyle.

Meet the team

Left to Right: Jordan Kirkbride, Troy Burkhart, Jack McGary, Andrew Truong, Ryan Wu

Ready to unlock the potential of the Productivity Panda? Click here to try it out and let the panda guide you towards a more focused and efficient internet browsing experience!

