Skills matched. Teams built. Projects delivered. Faster, with Opportune.

Ethan L Chen
Dartmouth CS98
Published in
5 min readMar 11, 2024
Figure 1: Landing Page

Are you a team manager overwhelmed by new employees flooding your inbox? Are you an HR Specialist, tired of the tedious and often ineffective new hire onboarding process? Or, are you a college student who has recently received your first internship offer, apprehensive about the project you will be dedicated to for the next 12 weeks?

Onboarding to a company is a difficult time for everyone. This is where we step in. Say goodbye to uncertainty and welcome a new era of seamless integration with Opportune.

Opportune’s primary goal is to facilitate the perfect match between new hires and teams, fostering an environment where collaboration and innovation thrive. Through our straightforward user flow and easy communication channels between new hires and their assigned teams, Opportune ensures that every member feels valued and supported, paving the way for long-term success and growth within your organization.

We do this by providing two key services:

1. Team Matching: In many large companies, new hires don’t get a say in what team they are matched to or what project they work on. Similarly, teams often take whoever they are assigned without knowledge about their skill sets or interests. Our advanced matching algorithm ensures that new hires are placed in teams where they can thrive. We guarantee optimal team dynamics and collaboration by considering skills, team preferences, and diversity.

Figure 2: New Hire Results Page

2. Project Management: In the hustle and bustle of the corporate workplace, it is easy to lose track of the work your new hires are completing. With Opportune, you can seamlessly manage projects within your organization using our intuitive project management tools. From assigning tasks to tracking progress, our platform empowers teams to work together efficiently and effectively. With our holistic, calendar-based team view, we encourage closed-loop communication between team managers and new hires.

Figure 3: New Hire Project Management Page

With Opportune, we’ve crafted a user-friendly platform comprising three distinct portals: company, team, and new hire. Each portal is meticulously designed to consolidate the onboarding process, making it a breeze for both administrators and new hires alike.

Company Portal: Streamlined Onboarding

The company portal serves as the control center for administrators, providing them with the tools they need to manage the onboarding process efficiently. From creating profiles to assigning deadlines, the company portal ensures that every step of the onboarding journey is well-coordinated and executed effortlessly. A company administrator can run our team matching service with just a single click, pairing new hires and teams within seconds!

Figure 4: Company Profile Page

Team Portal: Practical Management

Our team portal embraces simplicity and efficiency. All a team needs to do is input the specific skillset they seek from a new hire, and Opportune’s team matching service takes it from there! Once the new hires are matched based on their skills, team preferences, and diversity requirements, the team can then manage them with our intuitive Project Management service. Say goodbye to mismatched teams and hello to synergy and productivity!

Figure 5: Team Skills Page

New Hire Portal: Smooth Integration

The journey begins here for new hires, who are guided through each step of the onboarding process. From filling out their profile to scheduling meetings with teams, Opportune ensures that new hires feel welcomed and supported from day one.

Figure 6: New Hire Available Teams Page

How Does the Team-Matching Algorithm Work?

Opportune utilizes a sophisticated team-matching algorithm to pursue optimal team alignment. This algorithm aggregates data from team and new hire matching surveys, generating scores for team-to-new hire and new hire-to-team compatibility.

Once these scores are established, we leverage the Hungarian algorithm for cost minimization. This algorithm optimally assigns new hires to teams, prioritizing compatibility and minimizing overall costs.

While this does not ensure that every new hire will necessarily get their top choice team, the algorithm ensures that they will be put in a place to thrive within the company. We have also added a toggle option to enable diversity matching, factoring new hires’ demographics and how they diversify a team into the algorithm weights.

Figure 7: Company Matching Page — Diversity Tool

Why Choose Opportune?

1. Efficiency: Consolidate your onboarding process and save time and resources with our intuitive platform.

2. Optimal Team Dynamics: With our advanced team matching algorithm, say goodbye to mismatched teams and hello to synergy and productivity.

3. First Impressions: Ensure that new hires feel welcomed and supported from the moment they receive an offer from the company. This will lead to higher retention rates and increased job satisfaction.

Don’t let outdated onboarding practices hold your company back. Embrace the future with Opportune. Visit the site at today, and don’t hesitate to message us at to request more information or schedule a demo!


The Opportune Team

Figure 8: The Opportune Team - [Left to Right] Ethan Chen (Full Stack), Stephen Wang (Frontend), Karina Montiel (PM), Ryan Luu (Frontend), Mehmet Eren Aldemir (Backend)

