The only reason we exercise is to flex on our friends

Samuel A Rothschild
Dartmouth CS98
Published in
4 min readMar 7, 2024

Just kidding, obviously.

Trudging through the snow, rain, and mud to the gym every day may be an enjoyable experience for some, but we require a little more motivation to roll out of bed and lace up our sneakers. While some may effortlessly pull plates on plates every morning, we need a little more of a push to load on that extra twenty-five pounds and get to work. We are not the only ones: numerous academic studies, including those published in Psychology today, have indicated that posting to a social media platform about workouts provides folks with stronger, longer lasting motivation. Gone now, are the days of posting a sweaty selfie to Instagram, or manually writing down every single exercise with endless numbers of sets and reps on Strava: in is the era of effortlessly joining groups, saving workouts, and visualising your progress.


Community Building: Flex N Friends allows individual users and pre-existing teams alike to effortlessly form groups or join existing teams, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared goals. Our location services also allow users to find new groups near them and easily join so they can get started training with a new team

Example communities page, in addition there are location services where you can search for communities near you

Seamless Workout Logging: Record your exercises with ease, leaving behind the cumbersome process of manual entries. Flex N Friends remembers your previous workouts and expedites the process of entering weights so you can spend less time on your phone and more time working out in the gym

Workout logging page, equipped with: timer, preset units and simple drop down interface to store workout data

Advanced Analytics: On the profile page our custom analytics show the volume of weight users lifted by workout by day, so it is always simple to keep track of your progress and see how far you have come, while squeezing every drop of motivation possible out of your progress

Example of data analytics, measuring the user’s progress over time

Intelligent Scheduling: Forget the hassle of planning; Flex N Friends curates and schedules your workouts, saving your favorites for quick access. On the profile page you can tap any day on the calendar and your workout plan for that day will be conveniently displayed for you

Example of a user’s personalised calendar so that they can we what they lifted/are going to lift on a given day

Our Impact

The goal of Flex N Friends is to help people fall back in love with exercise. COVID changed the face of amateur sports and working out for everyone, forever: many people retreated to home gyms and individual forms of activity for their own safety, though now community life is opening back up again we want to provide a forum for love of communal exercise to spring anew.

Inclusivity and community were our guiding principles in the ideation process for the app and we set out to combat the notion that the gym is just for ‘fit people’. Thus, the platform is free to use, easy to onboard, and whether you are an individual looking to join a community or an existing team looking to attract new members it couldn’t be easier to get started!

About the Team

Flex N Friends is brought to you by a team of graduating Computer Science Majors, athletes, and gym-goers at Dartmouth College: Charlie Childress, Johnny Fang, Joe Hurle, Sam Rothschild, and Ryan Yong. We would like to extend a special thanks to Professors Tim Tregubov and Natalie Svoboda for supporting us in this project and providing invaluable experience and advice.

Charlie (Top left), Ryan (Top right), Sam (Middle left), Johnny (Bottom left), Joe (Bottom right)

Join Us!

Kickstart your journey of falling back in love with exercise now! Come join us at Technigala for your trial of the app!

