Larry Anderson

Callum Smith
2 min readOct 28, 2015

“It gives me the feeling that I’m doing something right… I’ve made a few mistakes in my life and I sort of wanted to change them so I’ve been asking myself how I’m gonna get out of this. It makes me think that ‘yeah, you’re doing something right.’ One day it hit me and I said ‘oh boy I’m here.’ I was telling myself ‘I’m alone,’ but it was the most amazing thing because I felt like I was by myself but yet I had so many people that wanted me to go in and join them. I still enjoyed myself while I walked through the party but I kept to myself. I was telling myself, Larry stay by yourself, you don’t have to go in and rush in. That was a pretty good thing when they saw I wanted to be left alone, they let me be. I have always kept to myself. When I get something good going I want to repeat it. That’s why I like staying to myself, I think everyone else is like that too. But at the same time I think you always have to make an effort to communicate better. You’re feeling so great, you like to give that away too, you don’t have to keep that to yourself.”

