Delhi It’s About to Get Worse. Yes Electricity Problems

Sreeroop Ghosh
Darvin Energy
Published in
4 min readOct 10, 2021


With power cuts looming over in Delhi you’re probably worried, State and Union Governments are trying to fix the coal supply situation but will it work out long term?

So How is Delhi Powered?

Delhi has Six power plants, four coal-based and two gas-based. All together making up 3000MW.Unfortunately, India is not a country with a great gas supply and both of the gas power plants either lay idle or generate less than maximum capability. Btw coal and gas-powered electricity cost are similar. Along with this, there are renewables and central grid exchange also form a significant supply source.

Source: DownToEarth

Coal — The origin and end of problems.

Power plants are facing a coal shortage not nationwide but worldwide. Power plants are required to have 14 days worth of coal stock but are now reporting to have only 2–4 days worth of stock and this is the cause for worry.

Source: WION

So Mine some more Coal. Right?

While economies recover from covid 19 and begin production, demand for energy rises. But there was a huge surge in demand and coal-powered plants were not quite prepared for this. Unlike appliances, power plants take time to power up and start production, it can be tens of hours to few days(that’s why power plants never shut down but had to due to Covid-19). The surge was in the range of 20billion (20000000000) units more compared to 2019, yes demand went up a lot.

Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash

A lot of storms went by this year and brought in a lot of rainfall. Rain in coal production areas led to less production and a lot of transport issues. And Imports from outside the country have decreased and prices increased sharply because this is an international crisis (China, Britain, France, Germany everyone is facing record-high energy rates and blackouts).

What is Next for us?

In the short term, Be ready not just for blackouts but for job losses, unavailability of products a shortage of essential services and goods like water. Without electricity factories won’t run, people will not have jobs and pumps will not work. But remember the government has set up special teams to monitor coal supplies and is amping up its coal imports. People are working to make sure the worst does not come to play.

Long term? Huge bills. Record high electricity prices and increased times of load shedding, power cuts and low voltages. Per unit cost of electricity for residential and commercial segments are to reach record and displeased customers are about to increase.

What Can I Even Do about It? Simple -Build a Power Plant.

Yea we are not talking about a Thermal Power Plant that costs crores. We indeed need power every day and there are no alternatives to the supplier. Well, that’s quite wrong, at least till Darvin Energy is here. We allow communities to build their power plants using their buildings, this is achieved with the right mix of solar panels generating power and batteries storing it for later purposes. It’s quite expensive, yes for an individual but not for our whole community, through the very small contributions of every person in an interconnected community a huge difference can be made. With 70K houses on average, we will be able to generate 330MW (that’s as big as PPCL Pragati — Gas station). Also, you will have the lowest rates of electricity ever (even less than half the current price). It will be a grid that you and I, members of our community whom we know and live with that build and power each other.

It's clean, green energy and very cheap electricity. But it is a collaborative where all of us have to come together to start building one of the greatest revolutions ever.

Join us and let's build something great —Get In Touch With Us — Click here.

