A Brief, Silly Exercise For The Apple-Loving Heart To Reduce Coffee Dependence

Jeff Spinella
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2016

Sure, Coffee’s Here to Stay. But This Still Gives Me a Jolt Every Time I Do It.

Step 1: Find an Old Apple Product of Yours That You No Longer Use.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve likely been a fan of Apple’s products for many years now. You’ve probably even owned a few different iPhones, a few different MacBooks, and some various combinations of the original iPods/iPod Touches/iPod Shuffles (not to even mention the Apple desktop machines that many of us have paid out the nose for).

If you’re even more so like me, you probably still have one of these laying around unused, or one that’s even completely dead and gone. Go and grab one of these old “dinosaurs of technology” [and try not to think wistfully of the days of Apple under Steve Jobs ;)].

This is my weapon of choice. A late 2008 13-inch MacBook Non-Pro.

Step 2: Lift This Old Device Above Your Head, Or At Waist-Level, If Lifting It Up Too High Scares You Too Much.

Think for a second about the wonderment of its engineering, and how sentimentally close you once were to this device. Don’t forget the damage that it did to your wallet.

Step 3: Drop It Like It’s Hot. Better Yet — Throw It.

This gives me one of the most interesting, conflicted, liberating feelings I can imagine. It creates some serious cognitive-dissonance, and is, without a doubt, gets my heart racing and my cringe meter surging.

And though there are zero repercussions at all, it still feels so, so wrong. After all, I spent a ton of money on this thing, so much time using it, and it was such a marvel of perfection upon it’s release. Fully embrace all of these thoughts.

And since you haven’t moved an inch since starting reading this post, now is the time. Find that old iPhone, or that old laptop. Any old, formerly expensive device or product. And just embrace the feeling of literally letting go. Crack — there goes the #MacDrop.

