Announcing the Crab Network Developers Airdrop Program

Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2022

To promote Crab Network to developers, meanwhile to make it easier for developers to start building on Crab, today we are pleased to announce a developer airdrop program! The developer airdrop program will distribute 200,000 CRAB, any Github account registered before December 30, 2021 will have the qualification to claim the airdrop!

Click here, log in with your Github account and fill in your Crab Smart Address start with ‘0x’ to claim your CRAB!

We are holding an online hackathon on the DoraHacks platform to fund the development of projects and applications that contribute to the Crab ecosystem and promote overall network growth. More details, please refer here.

Also, any Ethereum DApps can deploy to the Crab EVM in a fully Ethereum compatible environment with toolings like MetaMask, Truffle, and Waffle. More details, please refer here.


Q: Which chain does the CRAB airdrop I am about to receive belong to? What do I need to prepare to get it?

A: All the CRAB airdrops belong to the CRAB issued on the Ethereum-compatible Crab Network. You need to install MetaMask and import a qualified account (if you have completed this step, you can skip it directly) and switch network to Crab Network. Copy this address that starts with ‘0x’ and fill in the form and you will receive the airdrop. And, you can manage your token CRAB through the MetaMask.

Q: How to add Crab Network to MetaMask?

A: Before switch network to Crab Network on MetaMask, you need to add Crab Network to MetaMask first. Go to and click the Connect Wallet on the right upper corner, then you can see the RPC configuration parameters of the Pangolin Test Network and Crab Network, click and then the Crab Network RPC will be added automatically.

About Crab Network

Crab is a canary network with real economic value for Darwinia, and its positioning is similar to Polkadot’s Kusama Network. You can check Crab status through Polkadot{.js} , Subscan or Subview.

Crab provides smart contract solutions based on DVM (Darwinia Virtual Machine), which is compatible with the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) paradigm at a low level. Therefore, it is easy for projects in the Ethereum ecosystem to migrate to the Crab Network. (Tips: DVM is built on Frontier with a fully EVM-compatible instruction set and an Ethereum RPC-like external interface.)




As an open cross-chain bridge protocol based on Substrate, Darwinia focuses on the construction of future Internet of Tokens. TG: