Crab 1250 Runtime Upgrade

Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2022

Notable Changes

Release Details

Hash 0xef7c848af082a21c8925a7a057aed98bf625666cb74161891f653a752c84de96

Hash 0x57a60d9ff81dd880bc8fc5decea27b7b957b045385cc7f1aa16533b96e9ad629

Proposal Hash 0x7d4879bdba28074fafea903400ed17206444f13877636fbc41dc40f3ead8954f

About Darwinia & Crab

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Darwinia is a cross-chain messaging infrastructure, which provides a light client-based, programmable, universal cross-chain messaging network for decentralized applications. Now, we’ve successfully used Darwinia’s light-client cross-chain messaging protocol(LCMP) to bridge cross-chain messages between substrate-based chains, and even between substrate-based chains and EVM chains, meanwhile, Darwinia provides developers with an SDK, so they can easily integrate cross-chain capabilities into their Dapps. This will have profound implications for cross-chain interoperability, and Darwinia as a cross-chain messaging infrastructure will facilitate the building of a hybrid cross-chain network.

Crab is a canary network with real economic value for Darwinia, positioning similar to Polkadot’s Kusama Network, which is a programmable cross-chain platform for Dapps. It is substrate-based, EVM-compatible, and connected to Kusama.




As an open cross-chain bridge protocol based on Substrate, Darwinia focuses on the construction of future Internet of Tokens. TG: