Crab Network Has Won The 59th Kusama Parachain Slot!

Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2022

Dear community,

We’re thrilled to announce that Crab Network has won the 59th Kusama Parachain slot and has been awarded the Para ID 2229! It’s the second auction that Crab Network has won, and Crab didn’t crowdloan this time.

The current Crab Parachain (Para ID: 2105) lease period is 25-26, and the lease period of the newly won Crab Parachain (Para ID: 2229) on the Kusama auction is 25-32. When the Crab Parachain(Para ID: 2105) lease period expires, we will take Para ID: 2229 lease period, moved it to Para ID: 2105, and will continue to use the old Crab Parachain (Para ID: 2105) as usual.

About Darwinia & Crab

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Darwinia is a cross-chain messaging infrastructure, which provides a light client-based, programmable, universal cross-chain messaging network for decentralized applications. Now, we’ve successfully used Darwinia’s light-client cross-chain messaging protocol(LCMP) to bridge cross-chain messages between substrate-based chains, and even between substrate-based chains and EVM chains, meanwhile, Darwinia provides developers with an SDK, so they can easily integrate cross-chain capabilities into their Dapps. This will have profound implications for cross-chain interoperability, and Darwinia as a cross-chain messaging infrastructure will facilitate the building of a hybrid cross-chain network.

Crab is a canary network with real economic value for Darwinia, positioning similar to Polkadot’s Kusama Network, which is a programmable cross-chain platform for Dapps. It is substrate-based, EVM-compatible, and connected to Kusama.




As an open cross-chain bridge protocol based on Substrate, Darwinia focuses on the construction of future Internet of Tokens. TG: