Darwinia Chain Achieves Major Milestone: Sudo Removal and Decentralization

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3 min readJun 21, 2023


Darwinia Chain is thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey towards decentralization. We have successfully removed the sudo pallet representing a momentous step in transforming Darwinia Chain into a truly community-driven blockchain platform.

The Sudo key enabled the suite of governance modules in Darwinia Chain, e.g. the Council, Technical Committee, and public referenda. Once the Council and governance tools were in place, the public could effect changes in the system and Sudo was removed. Without Sudo, the chain was no longer a candidate but a live, decentralized network.

Embracing Decentralization at the Core

By removing Sudo, no key is capable of acquiring root privileges, ensuring that no single entity possesses any form of priority privileges. Instead, all changes and updates to the chain will be subjected to the government system, ensuring that decisions are made collectively by the community.

The RING Holders, the Council, and the Technical Committee are the three bodies of on-chain governance in Darwinia.

In Darwinia governance, public referenda can be proposed and voted on by any RING holder in the system as long as they provide a conviction. Anyone in the community can also submit their candidacy for joining the council or vote for councilors. The council is an elected body of on-chain accounts that are intended to represent the passive stakeholders of Darwinia.

The tech committee members now have an extremely limited scope, solely restricted to accelerating, pausing council proposals and vetoing origin.

Enhancing Security and Stability

With the decentralization achieved by removing Sudo, Darwinia Chain strengthens its security and resilience. Rather than relying solely on the development team, it avoids single point failures and safeguards against censorship attacks. By harnessing the collective knowledge and expertise of our community members, we can better safeguard the integrity of our chain and make decisions that benefit the entire ecosystem.

Building a Public Chain for All

The removal of Sudo is a crucial step towards realizing our vision of a true public chain. It eliminates the possibility of undue influence and centralization of power, ensuring that Darwinia Chain is governed transparently and inclusively by our community. By empowering the community to actively shape the platform’s direction, we foster a sense of ownership and create an environment where decisions reflect the diverse perspectives and needs of our participants.

The removal of Sudo was a carefully planned and intentional move for Darwinia Chain. It exemplifies our commitment to long-term community governance and active participation. By ensuring that significant decisions undergo open deliberation and consensus, we are building a resilient and sustainable ecosystem that embraces the principles of decentralization.

About Darwinia

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Darwinia is a cross-chain programmable network that provides two essential solutions: Darwinia Chain and Darwinia Msgport. Darwinia Chain is a smart contract platform compatible with the EVM and shares the robust security of Polkadot. On the other hand, Darwinia Msgport acts as a crucial infrastructure enabling Dapps to seamlessly communicate and exchange messages across different blockchain networks, facilitating efficient interchain operations.




As an open cross-chain bridge protocol based on Substrate, Darwinia focuses on the construction of future Internet of Tokens. TG: http://t.me/DarwiniaNetwork