Darwinia Highlight January | Monthly Recap

Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2024

Protocol Updates

  1. In the process of developing Oracle v2 for Darwinia Msgport.
  2. Added OpenGov to the Darwinia Chain. GitHub
  3. Implemented conviction voting EVM support for the Darwinia Chain. GitHub
  4. Removed Governance V1 from the Crab Chain. GitHub
  5. Updated ProxyType. GitHub
  6. Added tx-pause module to all runtimes. GitHub
  7. Released version 6.6.0. GitHub

Darwinia Ecological Applications and Infrastructure Updates

  1. The Helix LN Bridge showcases the Darwinia Msgport's efficacy by enabling low-cost, cross-chain token transfers. Managed off-chain by Liquidity Node Providers, the bridge emphasizes the Darwinia Msgport's critical role in ensuring operational reliability and security, especially when providers fail. This use case spotlights the Darwinia Msgport's value in supporting secure, streamlined cross-chain transactions. Link
  2. Published the Darwinia Improvement Proposal (DIP) #3 introducing an EIP-1559-like mechanism to reform the network fee market, under this proposal, all transaction fees would be burned, while tips would be awarded directly to block authors. This aligns with Darwinia’s future inflation strategy, motivates collators, and paves the way for practical applications of RING. The result is a more predictable, sustainable, and user-centric ecosystem. Link
  3. Published an article on DIP-3 Understanding, highlighting the latest strides in the Darwinia Network’s evolution. This comprehensive overview delves into the DIP-3 initiative, a transformative step aimed at overhauling the network’s fee structure. It elucidates the proposal’s objectives, the intricate changes it brings to the network’s economic fabric, and its potential ripple effects across the Darwinia ecosystem. Link
  4. The Darwinia Referendum #20 has been executed, initiating a significant shift in governance by moving away from council and technical committee election pallets. This change involved transitioning from traditional governance structures to a transparent, user-centric model, and refining the inflation curves as outlined in DIP-3. Link
  5. Darwinia has emerged victorious in the 60th Polkadot Parachain slot auction. It’s the second auction that Darwinia has won! Link
  6. The proposal for rebranding the Crab chain to Crab SubDAO is currently under the request for comments (RFC) process. Link

About Darwinia Network

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Darwinia is the community-run technology and service powering the cross-chain capabilities of decentralized applications.

