JWT 4.0.6 is out!

João Almeida
darwinLabs blog
Published in
Feb 2, 2023
Photo by Blue Coat Photos

A new version of the JWT component for Outsystems is live, there are no new features but, for compatibility and security reasons, it’s recommended to upgrade to this, since some of base libraries have been updated to the latest stable versions. These include:

  • BouncyCastle 1.8.9
  • Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging 5.2.4
  • Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens 5.2.4
  • Newtonsoft.json 13.0.2
  • System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt 5.2.4

A major version is planned further ahead, where some of the current roadmap featured can be included:

  • Support for ES256, ES384 and ES512
  • Custom fields in header
  • Support for binary keys
  • Nested claims
  • multiple audiences

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João Almeida
darwinLabs blog

Web developer that takes photos and wanders the world. Based in Lisbon, Portugal. Working at @darwinLabs, mostly with Outsystems . http://joaoalmeida.info