Gone Girl: A Cyclone On Steroids

Caitlin Kopecky
Darwin’s Film Reviews
2 min readFeb 15, 2018

Gone Girl is a thriller film that will have you on the edge of your seat the entire time as it is changing perspectives left and right. The film starts off right away with the main issue when Nick Dunne’s (Ben Affleck) wife Amy (Rosamund Pike) disappears. The disappearance leads to a murder case, and evidence leads people to believe that Nick has murdered his wife. Although you don’t want to believe that he would have done such a thing, his past and present actions make you question who is really telling the truth.

Starting at a young age, Gone Girl director David Fincher has a lot of experience in filming being an actor, director, producer and executive producer for several films. This film is one of his top rated films. David Fincher is known to be one of the most ingenious and punctilious directors today. Fincher’s films tend to fall under the category of being dark thrillers, and this film definitely is one of them; it’s all around just dark and cynical.

Ben Affleck started his acting during his childhood and had several successful outcomes from the TV shows and films he acted in. He even got a little into production before he was hired to star in Gone Girl. Fincher cast him because Affleck knew what it felt like to be misinterpreted by tabloid media. Fincher couldn’t have done a better job at picking an actor for this film. Affleck nailed his character.

The acting of the main characters really adds to the element of the film being twisted. Pike makes her character be perceived as an intelligent yet insane woman. Affleck plays the character that you want to root for, yet his mistakes that he has made in their relationship makes you want him to be found guilty for murdering his wife. The rest of the characters such as Amy’s helicopter parents, Nick’s sweet and caring sister, the bigot detectives, and the dimwitted pregnant neighbor add into the rest of the fact that the acting really sells the movie.

This film has so many twists and turns you won’t even know what to believe anymore because it is all over the place, yet you love it. Gone Girl is not some film where you can expect their every next move. It’s as if you’re playing dodgeball and you all of a sudden are getting hit from all directions. That’s what makes the film even more thrilling; you don’t know what’s coming next, and the anticipation is exhilarating.

Gone Girl will suck you in from the moment you start to watch it, and it will whip you around until the very last second it. What a fantastic way to spend two hours and twenty-nine minutes of your day.

