The Most Lonely 127 Hours of His Life

Caitlin Kopecky
Darwin’s Film Reviews
2 min readFeb 20, 2018

In the film 127 Hours, mountaineer and aventurer Aron Ralston (James Franco), becomes trapped in a remote canyon in Utah when he suddenly becomes trapped when a boulder falls on his arm. Based on a true story, Aron is stuck for five days contemplating what to do: make the horrific choice of amputating his arm to get back to civilization for help or waiting it out in the canyon which would most likely lead to death.

Director of the film Danny Boyle is well known for 127 hours. He is also known for creating flashback sequences in his movies. In this film, there are several flashbacks that allow the viewer to really get into Aron’s thoughts and help them be put into his shoes. Boyle does a really good job at this, and makes the viewer feel almost as if they are suffering with Aron.

The way that this film was made was mostly from Aron’s camera which really adds to the movie. It’s as if the viewer is actually seeing what Aron is going through by what he is saying almost as if it is like a diary. Filming it this way makes it seem more realistic and helps the viewer realize that this actually happened to someone.

Although the film tends to slow down quite a bit, I think it was very necessary to do so because that’s exactly how Aron’s life was in that moment: slow. The days went by as if it was in slow motion. We watched his food and water slowly disappear. We witnesses the struggles he went through and his sufferings. We even had to witness the gruesome act of him amputating his arm. The visuals and sound effects added to the horrific scene.

127 Hours was a very interesting film to watch and learn about. I was completely unaware of this situation until I heard about the movie, and I’m glad I did because it was a very intriguing film despite all of the negativity. I felt as if I was suffering with him through the whole period, and that’s what makes a film great: you feel as though you have been a part of the film.

