MyDashWallet Bot

A Dash bot to tip eachother crypto!

Олександр Письменний
Dash Community
4 min readApr 22, 2021


We all spend our free time on social networks. If you are reading this article, then you know what the cryptocurrency Dash is, and you are familiar with its benefits. If not, you can read articles about Dash here. You may have come across thematic chats dedicated to Dash on social networks. In these chats, people discuss how to improve Dash, as well as promote it to the masses. Let me introduce you to an interesting bot called MyDashWallet Bot, which can often be found in such chats.

MyDashWallet allows you to tip other people Dash directly on social networks. The main advantage of this bot is that you can instantly send cryptocurrency to another person, even without leaving your favorite messengers. Currently, the bot is available on platforms such as Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Reddit, and Email

How it works?

This bot is tied to your social media ID, so you may not even know that you have a certain amount of Dash in your account, despite the fact that you did not even know about the existence of this bot. This is because the bot is used not only to transfer coins from user to user but also to reward active chat participants. Therefore, it is quite possible that if you are an active participant in the chat where MDW Bot is present, then you already have some mDash in your account. (1 mDash = 0.001 Dash ≈ 0.3 USD)

Basic commands for using the bot

Let’s look at an example from Telegram. First of all, you need to find this bot. To do this, write MyDashWallet Bot in the search field. After that, write to the bot command /start. After that, you will get a list of the available commands.

Now let’s take a closer look at each command.

The first command is /price. After entering this command and the designation of the coin, you will get the exact value of the coin in real-time. The /price command supports all coins from the Binance exchange. The cost of coins is indicated in Dollar, Euro and Bitcoin. By default, the command displays the cost of Dash. This command can be written both in a personal chat with the bot and in a general chat, where there is the MyDashWallet Bot.

The next command is /tip. This command is used to transfer coins from one user to another. To do this, enter the command in this format:

/tip <userID> <amount> <currency>

The minimum amount is 0.01 mDash / 0.01 $ / 0.01 Euro. The maximum amount is 500mDash. You can also use the /tip command like /tip n beer, where n is the amount of beer. 1 beer = 1 dollar. If you made a mistake while tipping (for example invalid Dash address, invalid email, unknown user, etc.) MyDashWallet will immediately inform you and cancel the tip right away.

The next command is /balance. It returns the balance of your wallet.

The next command is /withdrawal. Using this command, you can withdraw coins to any wallet or exchange. The command syntax is very simple. You need to write /withdrawal <amount> and indicate the public address of the wallet. If you write /withdrawal and indicate only the public address of the wallet, then all funds accumulated on MyDashWallet will be withdrawn to this address. It is important to check whether you entered the public address of the wallet correctly, because if you make a mistake and enter the wrong address, unfortunately, you will not be able to get your money back.

The next commands are /deposit, /login, /account

The /deposit command is needed to deposit your wallet balance. When you enter this command, you will receive the public address of the wallet, which must be used for the deposit.

If you use the command /login or /account, you will be able to manage your wallet through the MyDashWallet website. If you want to connect an existing wallet, then use the /account set address command

The command /rain is used for rewarding active chat users. The command syntax:

/rain <amount> <countUser>

where amount is the amount of mDash that will divide the countUser of users. To see the number of active users who can receive a reward through / rain, enter the command / active.

Using the /history command you can see how many coins have been handed over to you, how many coins you have given out, how many coins you have received through “rain” and how many coins you have dealt through “rain”.

Additional features of MyDashWallet

On the MyDashWallet website, you can find a few more interesting features.

  1. You can connect your hardware wallet Ledger or TREZOR. You can also create an HD wallet
  2. You can start mixing your coins. Mixing is needed to create a PrivateSend transaction. MyDashWallet allows you to send an anonymous Dash transaction without creating a new wallet here. Just enter the address where you want to send Dash anonymously and transfer any amount of Dash
  3. You can use InstantSend. The InstantSend transaction takes about 1 second.

Transaction fees

For cryptocurrencies there is a transaction fee, which is paid to the miners that include your transaction in one of the next blocks on the global ledger. If the blocks are full, fees can get very high. Luckily Dash has 8x the block size/time and is by far not as full other blockchains, so you can even get away with the smallest allowed fee. MyDashWallet is non-profit, there are no hidden fees and what you pay is used to pay the miners automatically when the transaction is created and accepted in the blockchain.


We can conclude that MyDashWallet Bot is a very useful bot that performs its functions perfectly. Thanks to this bot, people can receive tips for contributions to the development of Dash or for activity directly in the messenger. Moreover, MyDashWallet does not charge any additional fees, which makes using the bot even more enjoyable.

