Interview With The Creator of The Women Of Dash Slack: Anja

DASH For Newbies
Published in
7 min readMay 29, 2017

How and when did you get involved in crypto?

In 2015 I realized that my money wouldn’t grow in the bank anymore due to low or even zero interest rates. So I signed up for an Investment & Trading course in order to see if I could grow my money this way.

I learned a few Investment- and Trading strategies and practiced reading graphs, drawing lines and stuff.

I also learned a number of quite upsetting things about how our financial system works. Apart from that, the course was pretty boring…

Until the day a course participant asked about Bitcoin. The trainer and a few “experts” in the group immediately warned him and told him not to touch it. Too risky.

So I checked it out.

Well, hello excitement, bye bye boredom!!

I made more profit in my first two weeks in crypto than in 14 months of traditional trading. Holy Nakamoto!!

(When I shared this in the course, the trainer kicked me out immediately.)

While I may have been lucky in my first crypto trading attempts, studying the various blockchain projects and currencies, I realized pretty soon that THIS IS THE NEW ECONOMY.

There is a consciousness shift in the world and it’s like it found its technological match. Well, it probably was highly conscious people who brought it forth in the first place. I wholeheartedly believe that the blockchain will fix what’s wrong with our financial system and society — if conscious people and organizations adopt it.

Why did you create the Women of Dash channel?

The short version: I wanted to create a bridge for women to enter the crypto space, which is still a very male-dominated world.

The long version: The crypto-space is a double whammy, actually, because both the finance industry and the tech industry are male-dominated spaces. And they’re both coming together in “FinTech”.

It’s always easier to enter a new space when you see there are already others like you there. So with the #womenofdash channel I had two goals:

1. To have a place where we can discuss how to reach and invite women into this new world

2. To have a “neon sign” or a “welcome mat” for women — a small safe place from which they can start exploring the crypto world.

One could argue that such a channel in the Dash community is actually not necessary. Being on the inside, I would actually agree with that. The Dash Nation slack channel is a highly conscious, grown up, mutually respectful and supportive place. I have never come across any negativity towards women or any members there.

However, someone on the outside wouldn’t know that. Especially someone who’s had bad experiences in other communities. Just the fact that there is a women’s group feels inclusive and might get them to join and fall in love with Dash rather than another coin (yes of course there’s a marketing element in there as well… ;))

And another point is that it’s much easier to discuss women specific issues in a small group of 70 people, where the majority is part of the target group — than in a large group of over 1,000 with everybody.

What’s in your future? Where are you going?

If I could spend my life guiding women entrepreneurs how to navigate the crypto space and how to profit financially from it, I’d live happily ever after :)

So that’s where I’m going now.

I am in the process of creating the Conscious Crypto Community — an online place where I invite especially spiritual women entrepreneurs — e.g. coaches, healers, artists — to join and learn how to make money in this new world, but also how to stay safe.

While they will be happy to find out that this new world is much simpler than what they’re used to, they will also have to take a lot more responsibility for their money than what they’re used to. Maybe I will morph into a “Crypto Safety Consultant” one day, though I’m of course still learning new things on a daily basis.

Right now my main focus is on getting them in. Guiding them to take their first steps. Making their first money even without investing any of their own (Steemit). Then — if they choose to — practice investment and trading with mini-amounts. That’s the beauty of the crypto space, that you can make trades for $5 in 5 seconds. You can play with no risk (Steemit) or super mini-risk until you feel more confident and know what you’re doing.

Early bird catches the worm. I really REALLY do not want the women to miss out on the current financial opportunities.

Why do you want to help women learn about crypto?

ONE: I have worked with the above target group as an Online Business Manager / Coach / Consultant before, and know them very well. Especially their struggles with money.

You don’t have to be a spiritual person to notice that we are in a paradigm shift and women are being “activated” right now. They don’t need to be empowered anymore, they have the power. They just need to learn how to use certain tools to activate it.

I come across the most amazing women on a daily basis, online and also here in Berlin. But their power, their art, their talents are rarely visible in the world because they are distracted by “having to make an income”. They work in full time jobs that burn them out, and then they have no energy anymore to create and work on what truly lights them up.

If they wouldn’t have to worry about money, if they wouldn’t stress about paying the rent, they could channel all their energy into their art, their craft, their healing skills. They could be of service to the world in the way they were meant to. The world would be a more sane and beautiful place because they would contribute their unique energy to it, instead of having it drained by a job they are not suited for.

I want to help people enjoy money, and not feel stressed by it. But most of all, I want them to have enough resources to be free to share what they came here to share.

TWO: I want crypto to go mainstream. I am invested in it — not only financially. I believe the blockchain will save the world in many different ways. I see the blockchain as a bringer of truth, equality and abundance.

Women make up half of the population.

Crypto can’t go mainstream without women. Women are the “killer app” that everyone is looking for.

I don’t think the killer app is a “thing”. I believe the sharing, nurturing nature attributed to women is the ultimate killer app. Which is why the term “killer app” also doesn’t make any sense. If it’s supposed to make something grow, it’s a “life giver” app, right?

If that app ever were to be a “thing”, I would call it something more positive… Something like… EVOLUTION!! Yes! Wouldn’t that make much more sense?

The crypto currency that has all the women on board will be the one that goes mainstream. When women find something that improves their lives, they want their tribe to benefit from it as well — their kids, their partners, their friends, their colleagues, their clients. So women will not only bring in more women, they will bring everybody. The mainstream.

The only crypto currency community I have come across so far, that truly has the potential to be adopted by women is Dash. (And Steemit as a social media platform, but not as a currency, payment tool, or replacement for cash.)

When did you find DASH?

When it was at $16. ;) Sometime in February 2017.

Why do you like DASH so much?

Because it went up to over $100 after I bought my first 5 DASH at $26 ;)

Just kidding. It simply made the most sense to me.

Ever since I came into the crypto space I have been wondering, “Is the world ready for this?” Let’s face it — most of the world is still asleep. They trust the banks more than themselves, when it comes to taking care of their money.

So entering the crypto space, with long weird strings of codes, 24-word passphrases — and no helpdesks to recover them — and hot and cold wallets; I honestly have doubts that the mainstream would embrace this (and, well, it hasn’t yet).

I came across a number of crypto currency communities — the good, bad and the ugly. Either everyone could vote, or nobody. Both doesn’t make sense to me.

Dash’s governance model IMMEDIATELY made sense to me. I thought, “They must be smart and conscious people, those Dash guys!” And yes, they are!

When I learned that they wanted to become the simple, user friendly digital cash for “the average person” I was sold. I wanted to be a part of that.

Since then I am financially and emotionally invested in Dash. I have invested in masternode shares (and written about it), I created the #womenofdash channel on Slack and I’m spreading the gospel of Dash in my daily life and of course also in the Conscious Crypto Community.

I totally believe in DASH’s “inevitable success” and I will continue to spread it to more women so they can bring the mainstream to Dash and abundance to everyone involved :)

Join us in the Women Of Dash Slack:

After you join Dash Nation Slack, look for the Women Of Dash channel. We welcome all topics, including other coin communities.


Anja Schuetz is a Customer Service & Operations Management Consultant and Coach. For the past 5 years she has supported coaches, healers and spiritual teachers in managing their online business and their money. If you’re interested in joining her Conscious Crypto Community, click here for more details:

