PEOPLE OF DASH: Tao of Satoshi, Dash Nation Founder

DASH For Newbies
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2017

In this new series, PEOPLE OF DASH, you’ll learn about the humans who are working behind the scenes to make DASH, the digital cash choice for the masses.

Many of you may not be aware of the fact that DASH founder, Evan Duffield, just released the roadmap for Evolution, Dash’s revolutionary application that will greatly simplify and streamline the use of digital cash for the average person.

According to Blockchain News:

Dash, a leading payments-focused digital currency, has today unveiled its highly anticipated roadmap for Evolution, as well as ambitious plans for 2017 through to 2020 and beyond. -Blockchain News

What people may not know about DASH is how well its community works together and how diverse it actually is.

DASH is a global, decentralized community and contains different people from all over the world who are working together to lay down the social and technological foundations for the mass adoption of DASH. The success of any global organization, including cryptocurrencies, requires that people from different backgrounds utilize whatever skills they have to grow the size influence of the network. Most of the attention is focused on programmers, as they are the ones building the tools for the mainstream adoption of DASH, but the reality is that it takes all kinds of people to effectively build a healthy and robust global movement.



Q: How and when did you find out about DASH?

A: I got my introduction into digital currency through a VPN chat room. I wanted a way to watch US Netflix from Canada, where I am from. Bitcoin was mentioned there as a payment method for a VPN service. So, I bought Bitcoin from Coinbase, and I researched other coins. I liked Darkcoin’s (what Dash was called at the time) value proposition which was privacy. Later, I was overjoyed to find out that would not be it’s only innovation.

Q: What’s your main contribution to DASH?

A: I have been doing the role of community builder since I began in Dash. I started my popular Twitter account as the Dash Dalmatian, and wrote articles for Dash. More recently, I have done videos for Dash on my YouTube channel, Cash Alternative TV, and I have changed my Twitter account to that name. In addition, I founded the Dash Nation concept of everyone contributing with their strengths to help move Dash forward. To that end, I founded Dash Nation Slack where people can communicate, contribute, and hang out in a semi-professional atmosphere. As for being a Masternode owner, I indeed am involved in the Masternode network, and I created the helpful TAO’S MASTERNODE GUIDE FOR DUMMIES, so others can set up a masternode on their own.

Q: What’s different about Dash compared to other coins?

A: The vision, and the singular sense of purpose. People involved in Dash literally want to change the world, and believe that Dash has the tools to do that. Of course, making money is a bonus, but the main goal is to make Dash digital cash for the world. In my experience, this is what sets Dash apart.

Q: How is Dash Nation unique in the crypto-sphere?

A: The professionalism. The average age of Dash Nation members seems to be older than other cryptocurrency communities, and this is reflected in the relative maturity level it enjoys. People respect each other on a personal level. Disagreements happen all the time, but we are discouraged from letting it devolve into name calling and ugliness. That way, points are discussed based on merit, not on the individual. This is in stark contrast to the behaviour we see in other coin’s forums. This environment is something that I’m quite proud to have helped create. Also, the Dash community is very welcoming of newcomers. We realize that if we aim to have Dash mass adopted, we will have to be.

Q: Do you have any predictions about how Evolution could change the cryptocurrency environment?

A: Just that it will make Dash easier to use than any other crypto out there, which, in turn with Dash’s budget system, will enable Dash usage to multiply rapidly. This will give us our push to be adopted on a global scale. The features of Evolution such as easy to understand names, scaling potential, and interest-bearing accounts will further set Dash apart from its competitors.

Q: Anything else you want to add?

A: Thanks for giving me the chance to express myself here, and give people a chance to get to know me better. I love how you made me into a cartoon as well! Very fun. Cheers!

About the author:

Stellabelle works for the DASH DAO as an editor, writer and artist. She also is a top writer on Her first book, Un-Crap Your Life is available on Amazon in ebook or paperback format.

