This Week at the DIF

Amanda B. Johnson
Published in
1 min readMar 20, 2020
Here’s a generic photo of a price chart!


In attendance: Mike, Amanda, Cole, Hytham, Demelza, Spencer, Jan
Absent: none


The DIF’s first equity decision is still up for vote. It’s a proposal to acquire just under 5% of the expanding European media company BTC-Echo. Read and vote on it here!

Furthermore, we’ve asked several companies we were in talks with to please defer the conversations we were having until we know the outcome of the above proposal. They’ve all agreed.


(repeat of last week:) No gold buys will be executed at this time while we await the network’s decision on the aforementioned proposal, as its passing or not passing will have a material effect on the timing/amount of a rebalancing event.


In attendance: Amanda, Cole, Hytham, Spencer, Jan
Absent: Mike


We’re attempting to schedule a call with a new exchange.

Activity with other exchanges we were already pursuing is currently stalled for two reasons: 1) Mike was unable to execute some of his action items from this past week, and 2) our lack of a DIF-dedicated physical business address is proving unattractive to some exchanges.

That’s all for this week.

