This Week at the DIF

Amanda B. Johnson
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2020
  • We successfully opened one of the accounts needed to execute on our Dash-gold reserves rebalancing strategy. Alright! This leaves just one and maybe two more accounts until we reach full functionality of said strategy, but we can begin partial functionality right away.
Hooray for our account-opening!
  • After reviewing the corporate analyses generated by Ms. Hays, we’ve decided against investment in Company B. Furthermore, we’re currently waiting on the answers to a custom questionnaire from Company C (as well as a response regarding our counter-offer), and have not yet received a response from Company F since sending a similar questionnaire to them.
  • The supervisors held an initial call with a new company (G) this week, and deemed it worthy of further pursuit. Ms. Hays will now generate an internal report on Company G, which we’ll use to determine next steps.
  • The DIF is formulating best practices for account management to ensure that Ms. Hays is able to execute trades in a timely manner without having access (read: withdrawal) rights. Ability to deposit to or withdraw from any account is to remain solely with the DIF’s directors Mr. Kennedy and Mr. McDonald.
  • Ms. Hays has asked the DIF, as well as the rest of the Dash network, to kindly refer to her as a fund or investment “consultant” rather than “manager” for professional and legal purposes. Please accept our apologies for not having clarified this sooner.

Also, thank you, Dash network, for voting in our funding proposal this last cycle. We’re happy for the opportunity to continue serving our common interests.

Until next week.

