Exploring Node.js Powerful Module System: Unraveling the Mysteries — Part I

Muhammad Zeeshan Ashraf
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2023

Welcome back to our latest journey into the world of Node.js, where we’re taking a deep dive into the intricacies of this remarkable technology. Join us as we embark on an adventure with the help of the book “Node.js Design Patterns: Design and implement production-grade Node.js applications using proven patterns and Techniques” by Mario Casciaro and Luciano Mammino. Today, our focus is on understanding the module system of Node.js. Not only will we explore the how, but we’ll also delve into the why and the needs behind it. So, what exactly is the module system, you might ask? We briefly touched upon it in our previous blog post, where we explored the philosophical viewpoint of Node.js. Today, we’ll take a closer look at the needs of modules, their different types, and the differences and interoperability between them. So, let’s get started and discover why we need modules!

Why Do We Need Modules?

A module system is essential in software engineering as it helps organize code, enables code reuse, promotes encapsulation, and facilitates managing dependencies. It enables splitting the codebase into multiple files, allowing independent development and testing of various functionality. Modules can implement generic features and promote encapsulation by selectively hiding implementation complexity while exposing simple interfaces. A good module system should make it easy to build on existing modules, including third-party ones, and manage dependencies by importing the necessary chains of dependencies for a module to run.

Module Systems and Patterns

Since Node.js was created, CommonJS has been the leading module system and has also gained popularity in browsers through tools like webpack. In 2015, ECMAScript 6 (ES2015) introduced an official proposal for a standard module system: ESM or ECMAScript modules. Before we dive into the details of CommonJS, we’ll explore a revealing module pattern that promotes information hiding and will help us build a basic module system.

Revealing Module Pattern:
JavaScript in the browser lacks a namespace, making every script run globally and exposing everything, leading to potential issues with instance value overriding and crashing the application. To avoid such problems, we utilize the revealing module pattern, which creates a private scope using a self-invoking function, also known as an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE). This pattern exports only the necessary public parts and is the foundation for the CommonJS module system.

CommonJS Modules

CommonJS Modules

The roots of Node.js can be traced back to the inception of CommonJS — the typical module system that was birthed along with it. The CommonJS implementation in Node.js remains faithful to the tenets of the specification, while also integrating certain custom extensions.

To encapsulate the core concepts of the CommonJS blueprint, two fundamental concepts can be highlighted. Firstly, the ‘require’ function serves as a conduit for importing modules from the local filesystem. Secondly, ‘exports’ and ‘module.exports’ are special variables that can be leveraged to export publicly accessible functionalities.

The Resolving Algorithm:
Dependency hell is a swamp that software developers dread. It refers to the scenario where two or more dependencies of a program have a shared dependency but require incompatible versions. This can create a nightmare for developers, who must navigate through a labyrinth of version conflicts, compatibility issues, and code bugs.

However, in the realm of Node.js, this predicament is met with an elegant solution. The platform deftly resolves the issue by dynamically loading different versions of a module, depending on where the module is loaded from. This ingenious mechanism is underpinned by the package managers that Node.js employs.

By using package managers such as NPM (Node Package Manager) and Yarn, Node.js offers a hassle-free solution to dependency management. These package managers handle the complexities of dependency resolution, fetching and installing the required modules from a central repository. They also provide a mechanism for defining and managing project dependencies, allowing developers to focus on writing code rather than worrying about dependency conflicts.

The beauty of Node.js package managers lies in their ability to maintain version compatibility across dependencies, even when the dependencies themselves have divergent version requirements. With Node.js, developers can be confident that the right version of each dependency will be installed, ensuring the project runs smoothly without any compatibility issues.

In summary, Node.js has revolutionized the world of software development by providing an efficient and seamless solution to dependency management. Its package managers have proven to be an indispensable tool for developers, enabling them to easily navigate the complex web of dependencies and ensuring that their projects run smoothly and without any hiccups.

The Module Cache:
Node.js module system employs an efficient caching mechanism to enhance performance. Modules are loaded and evaluated only the first time they are required, and subsequent calls to require() simply return the cached version. This caching mechanism has functional implications, such as allowing cycles within module dependencies and ensuring that the same instance is always returned when requiring the same module within a given package.

The resolving algorithm is invoked automatically when using require(), but it can also be accessed directly by invoking require.resolve() in any module. The module cache is accessible via the require.cache variable, making it possible to directly manipulate it if needed. However, it’s important to exercise caution when doing so, as deleting the relative key in require.cache can be dangerous in normal circumstances, although it can be useful for testing purposes.


As we draw to a close on our discussion about Node.js modules, let’s take a moment to reflect on the importance of modularity in programming. By breaking down complex systems into smaller, manageable pieces, we can make code more efficient, easier to maintain, and more scalable.

Within Node.js, there are two primary module systems: CommonJS and ECMAScript modules. While we’ve focused on CommonJS in this article, it’s worth noting that the advent of ECMAScript modules has brought some exciting new features and capabilities to the Node.js ecosystem. In our upcoming piece, we’ll take a deep dive into ECMAScript modules, exploring their unique characteristics and examining the differences and interoperability between the two systems.

We hope you’ve found today’s discussion informative and engaging. As always, thank you for joining us, and stay tuned for more insights, tutorials, and thought-provoking content on Node.js and beyond. For those interested in further reading on the subject, be sure to check out the reference articles at https://hacks.mozilla.org/.



Muhammad Zeeshan Ashraf
Writer for

I am a Software Engineer and Programmer. I believe in power of change and i want change the world in better way by becoming an open source leader who help other