The Importance of Empathy for Software Engineers

Munam Tariq
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2023

Software engineering is a technical field that requires a lot of problem-solving and critical thinking skills. However, in addition to these technical skills, empathy plays a crucial role in creating software that meets the needs of its users. I, like many engineers, am guilty of not paying that part too much mind.

I used to think that empathy cannot be taught or learned. Now, I think differently. But before we delve into how we are embedding empathy into the fabric of our company, here are a few notable use-cases on why EQ should be on the top of the list of any good tech company’s culture.

Understanding User Needs:


One company that has successfully incorporated empathy into its software development process is Airbnb. The popular vacation rental platform has developed software that is designed to meet the needs of its users, whether they are travellers looking for a place to stay or hosts looking to rent out their properties.

To achieve this, Airbnb has developed a culture of empathy throughout the organization, encouraging its employees to put themselves in the shoes of the users and understand their needs. By doing so, Airbnb has been able to create software that is intuitive, user-friendly, and meets the needs of its diverse user base.

Developing Inclusive and Diverse Software:


Another company that has successfully incorporated empathy into its software development process is Microsoft. The technology giant has made inclusivity a core value in its software development process, recognizing that its users come from diverse backgrounds and have different needs.

To do this, Microsoft has developed software that is designed to be accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. For example, Microsoft has developed accessibility tools in its Windows operating system that allow users with visual or hearing impairments to use their devices with ease.

Effective Communication with Users:


The team at Slack were building something else entirely in the beginning, and developed a communication medium to improve their internal communications. Then the lightbulb moment came: they realized that they landed on something big. And Slack was born.

From the beginning, everyone at the company has been the customer they have targeted. That’s why they have entered into the process flows of every other company out there.

Establishing the Perfect Culture:


At Dastgyr, we are building a product company that will ultimately transform the way businesses trade across emerging markets.

We are building it for the underserved, the unbanked, and unaddressed. This is why we, above all, value the following principles in our building philosophy:

Always lead with empathy.

Always assume good intentions.

Always demonstrate positive intent.

Always be the change you want to see.

These principles are championed by everyone at Dastgyr — no matter which team they belong to, and are the bedrock to us building a complete tech stack for the complete B2B trade value chain.

That’s why we are on track — (incoming plug!) — to becoming one of the best startups in the world! 🚀

