How To Monetize Words.
Selling Your Soul ??
To Monetize refers to the process of turning a non revenue generating item into fiat. Or turning activities into cash flows.
Monetization goes hand in hand with contemporary capitalism.
So by finding novel ways to turn otherwise neutral or costly business operations into profit centers it seems to be the goal of today’s entrepreneurs and is sought after by investors.
Monetization often arises through identifying new or novel income sources:
Website owners monetize their websites by making spaces available to advertisers, to earn income from various types of content published on their sites.
Social media platforms have extended monetization by selling individual user data to the highest bidder.
Governments monetize the nation’s debt by buying notes, bills and bonds.
Basically the way humans try to monetize everything is based on our ability to tell stories.
To survive we use storytelling to be accepted, to belong and be a part of something, to thrive within our communities etc.