How to write for Data And Beyond

My new publication aimed at attracting high-quality reproducible stories about data and related topics, including Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Programming, and Technology

Dmytro Iakubovskyi
Data And Beyond


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

One of the benefits of paid Medium membership is the ability to create new publications. Because most of my stories have not been published elsewhere, I have decided to create a new one, called Data And Beyond:

This publication is aimed to contain selected stories around Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Programming, and Technology topics

While Data And Beyond has only 423 followers, its stories currently attract 25K views and 12.2K reads during the last month:

Source: author, screenshot from Medium

With almost all my stories published in Data And Beyond, I also want to extend the publication pool to other interested authors who desire to publish their data-related masterpieces. The goal is to give such authors more visibility, according to Medium recommendation algorithms, and to attract more engaged readers due to more regular publishing of data-related stories.

As of now, I am not inferring any “technical” restrictions on article length, release date, whether it is metered, etc. The only natural restriction comes with the reproducibility of your results. Namely, if your story is about analysing the data, both the data source and end-to-end code used to derive conclusions shown in your article need to be present in a public repository (e.g., your public GitHub repository, Google Colab, or your Kaggle profile) to ensure that interested readers can independently reproduce your findings.

You can become an author for Data And Beyond by completing 3 steps:

Step 1. Clap this post, leave a comment below (e.g., with a specific article suggestion), and follow this publication. Please note that these three requirements are binding — your stories can be removed if you decide to change either of them later.

Step 2. I will look at your stories to approve you as the author. Also, I might add the stories recommended for publication in a separate list, but you are welcome to submit any of your stories, regardless of that they are added to the list or not.

Step 3. Finally, you can add your stories to Data And Beyond by editing them:

Source: author, screenshot from Dmytro Iakubovskyi — Medium

I hope these results can be useful for you. In case of questions/comments, do not hesitate to write in the comments below or reach me directly through LinkedIn or Twitter.

You can also subscribe to my new articles, or become a referred Medium member.



Dmytro Iakubovskyi
Data And Beyond

Top writer in AI, Movies | Senior data scientist | Editor in Data And Beyond |