Know Thy OCEAN !!

Human personality theory.

My Brandt
Data And Beyond


If humanity is to trust AI tools we must 1st understand ourselves.

Trust in other humans is built slowly over time and it’s like a big bumpy road that lies ahead of you the day you are born.

You will have to overcome many sidetracks and get back to your own main road again to reach whatever is your goal in life.

So human life is traveling along the road of life and we have to place our trust in other humans along the way to basically survive, starting with our own parents.

We are born with trust and our capability to trust can either increase or disintegrate along our path. depending on which other humans we choose to put our trust in.

In the best-case scenario, you have trustworthy parents from day 1 who seek to do their best based on their own consciousness, for you to develop into an authentic human being.

The acronyms OCEAN or CANOE are a way to remember 5 human traits.

The Big 5 Personality Theory:

1. Openness to experience

2. Conscientiousness

3. Extraversion

4. Agreeableness



My Brandt
Data And Beyond

Founder of #Omimimo The Pure Water Game, #MyBrandt Est 1998, Decentralized Writer✒AI Ethicist,Blockchain Blocker, Web3 Enthusiast & Human Philosopher!