My top 3 tips about becoming a top writer at Medium

Dmytro Iakubovskyi
Data And Beyond
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2022


Since being recognised as a top writer in the Artificial Intelligence topic, I have often been asked if there are any tips for beginner writers at Medium. Here I share the top 3 of them.

Photo by Amelia Bartlett on Unsplash

Tip 1: find your favourite niche to write about

Ideally, there should be something within your domain knowledge that you want to share with others. Something that can positively distinguish you from other writers. Finally, something you expect that a sizeable number of readers will likely want to read.

Importantly, your niche should be broad enough to attract a significant flow of potential readers.

As an example, most of my content so far has been tagged with an explainable AI topic (being recognised there as top-2 among 700+ authors) and with a SHAP topic (being recognised as top-1 among 150+ authors). However, at the moment both of these two topics are not popular across the platform, having only 76 and 9 followers, respectively. Thus, one cannot expect to have any sizeable inflow of interested readers from these 2 topics. In contrast, a much more general Artificial Intelligence topic (where I am recognised as top-50 among 70k+ authors), currently has about 1.3M (!!!) followers thus generating a sizeable inflow of readers every day.



Dmytro Iakubovskyi
Data And Beyond

Top writer in AI, Movies | Senior data scientist | Editor in Data And Beyond |