The Evolution of The Stone Tools!

Watch out for Blind Greed.

My Brandt
Data And Beyond


We can breathe without Money but not without Air.

The paradox of human psychology:

As old as we think humans are, we humans are still young, still learning, and still making too many mistakes in our time.

The future of money and its value is something that is worth exploring.

It is clear that the way we think about money and value is changing and this is creating a new economic landscape.

The emergence of digital payments, cryptocurrencies, the sharing economy and AI are all transforming the way we exchange goods and services and this is likely to have a major impact on the way we value money in the future.

The value of money is affected by the way people perceive it.

If people begin to value experiences and emotional connections more than money, then money may become less important and its value will decrease.

Greed is the Ultimate Addiction

What connects the various addictions is that enough is never enough,not for long anyways.

To derive sufficient gratification, you must constantly seek more and more.

With people addicted to pursuing wealth, their overwhelming, insatiable passion isn’t about getting rich,but richer…and still richer.

And it’s unquestionable that this is not a virtuous cycle but a markedly vicious one.

Their heart’s desire,tragically unknown to them,isn’t for wealth at all, but for love, emotional intimacy, unconditional acceptance and self-acceptance.

Regardless of how obscenely wealthy you may become, these are all things that cannot be purchased with money.

By obtaining incredible wealth or success, people with deep insecurities strive to feel like they are finally good enough.

The logic is similar to how substances can provide temporary relief for emotional and physical pain.

Dopamine is the master molecule of pleasure and motivation.

Typically those who might be called “greed addicts” aren’t in the professions of creative arts, but in business, entrepreneurs, investors, speculators, lenders & CEOs.

Their undertakings are cunningly contrived to transfer money out of the pockets of others and into their own.

Essentially, it’s death that makes people “greedy for life”, we seek to get as much as we can for ourselves before the game is over.

“People like to have a lot of stuff because it gives them the feeling of living forever,” Sheldon Salomon

Others believe Greed comes out of nurture, not nature. It compensates for the emptiness that results from feeling that one didn’t get enough love or affirmation in ones life.

Evolutionary psychologists believe the source of greed lies even deeper than the psyche,it’s in the very DNA that defines us.

Whether greed emerges from our psyches, our environment, or our genes remains a gray area.

What’s important is to acknowledge that greed is a deep, perhaps even primal instinct in man.

Greed, for lack of a better word, is relative.

It is society that channels greed to such constructive purposes. And it is society that decrees how much greed is enough.

As our greed grew through history, the institutions that traditionally temper our baser instincts began to amplify them.

We increased our emphasis on vocational education, particularly the very practical arts of finance, marketing and management,disciplines that fuel the drive for material gain.

But if all education is subordinated to the purely practical, when do young people explore and develop their values and see their experience in a larger context?

Freud argued that our mission is to make the unconscious conscious so that we can sublimate our instincts to the greater good.

The people best suited to serve a community are those who have trained themselves to be aware of their base instincts, such as greed and have integrated them into their personalities in a way that creates order and meaning.

To combat the epidemic of greed that has left so many in the dust, we need to emphasize the value of being at peace, wealthy in spirit and not in monetary gains.

Rather than thinking of ourselves as united, we think of ourselves as individuals, as countries or as nations.

We have advanced technology, but we have not fully learned how to apply it to ensure there is less suffering for all humans around the world.

Technology is used more for profiteering than for the advancement of human civilization.

We have a globalized economy and our communication with the world is no longer a barrier.

This is where blockchain can create unity based on its decentralized power.

“Only if we melt the ice in our hearts will we have a chance to change.” Angaangaq

Greed blinds even the wise!

By My



My Brandt
Data And Beyond

Founder of #Omimimo The Pure Water Game, #MyBrandt Est 1998, Decentralized Writer✒AI Ethicist,Blockchain Blocker, Web3 Enthusiast & Human Philosopher!