Web Scraping Wikipedia Data Using Pandas [3 Steps]

Dylan Song
Data And Beyond
Published in
4 min readNov 11, 2023
Wikipedia Logo by Wikipedia

Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Step 1: Import Libraries
· Step 2: Use the Read_html Method
· Step 3: Check Which Table to Use
· Video on Web Scraping Wikipedia Data


In this blog post, I’ll show you how to web scrape any data from Wikipedia in Python. It’s really easy to do and only requires 3 steps! So, without wasting any more time, let’s jump into it…

Step 1: Import Libraries

First, you have to import the Pandas library:

Then, import the SSL library:

It’s important to include the last line of code or else you might get an error saying that the certificate verification failed.

After you import both these libraries, you’re ready to move on to the next step…

Step 2: Use the Read_html Method

The read_html method is provided by the Pandas library and will automatically convert HTML tables into Pandas dataframes, making it easy for us to analyze the web data in Python. It requires one argument — the link of the website.

So, all you gotta do is create a new variable:

In the code above, I created a new variable called “tables” and set it equal to the read_html method, with the Wikipedia article link as the argument. This means that “tables” will contain all data contained in an HTML table from the Wikipedia article.

However, we’re still not done yet. There’s one more thing to do…

Step 3: Check Which Table to Use

Depending on how big the article is, you might get multiple data tables when you scrape the website. Take a look at this, for example:

Since my Wikipedia article is pretty big, there are 4 HTML tables that Pandas automatically scraped. So, I need to find which data table has the correct information that I’m interested in — video game sales.

So, this will take some trial and error. You have to use indexing to find the table that you want:

I obtained the first table within “tables” by putting a 0 inside the square brackets. Remember, Python uses zero-based indexing!

The first table doesn’t look like the one I want because it doesn’t include the video game sales. So, I’m gonna do the same thing, but this time I’ll get the second table:

This looks like the right one because it contains data on all the video game sales.

Once you find the data table that you want, you can save it into a new variable:

Now, you can conveniently refer to this new variable when you do your analysis.

Video on Web Scraping Wikipedia Data

Ok, that’s all I got for this post! Hopefully, you found it helpful, but if there’s something that still doesn’t make sense, then I encourage you to check out a short 2-minute video that I made:

It’ll give you a more clear explanation on how to web scrape Wikipedia data. I hope to see you there, and thanks for reading!

Originally published at https://dylans0ng.github.io on November 11, 2023.



Dylan Song
Data And Beyond

Data Science Enthusiast | Blogs on any data-related content! | FREE tutorials here: https://www.youtube.com/@dylan_song