What IS Freedom?

Individual freedom as autonomy or self-governance.

My Brandt
Data And Beyond



Philosophers at least since Plato’s time have put forward answers to this very question, so let’s break it down.

One fact IS that how humans define freedom is broad.

What does the word freedom mean to you?

How should freedom be exercised?

Freedom seems noble and worthy. It is hard to imagine anyone declaring that they are fundamentally opposed to it.

But realistically, there have always been limits to our freedom.

One of the purposes of government is to make laws and to ensure that they are enforced.

Relative to freedom this means that we do not have the freedom to terrorize or endanger others etc.

A classic definition of freedom is that it’s the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

Freedom has traditionally been linked with the idea of responsibility.

“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”B.Shaw.

It is an existential concept.



My Brandt
Data And Beyond

Founder of #Omimimo The Pure Water Game, #MyBrandt Est 1998, Decentralized Writer✒AI Ethicist,Blockchain Blocker, Web3 Enthusiast & Human Philosopher!