Why is the Anthill so Important?
MyBrandt: The Anthill Trilogy READY FOR EXPLORATION.
The Ant is the Smallest and Wisest insect, they are considered social as they live in organized colonies and have complex societies.
The Ant mound has 3 major purposes:
1.The mound serves as the entrance to the below ground nest,
2.The mound helps control the nest’s internal temperature.
3.It helps protect the nest from predators or other intruders that might destroy or damage the nest.
Ants know where to search for resources and adapt to their surroundings.
This is why My The Anthill Trilogy might teach you that life will take you to many places and not every place will be within your comfort zone and still you must aim to adapt yourself to your surroundings.
As Ants exemplify what it means to be a self motivated human.
Size,lack and location are not limiting factors for them and shouldn’t be for you.
Ants make no excuses and continue with their business of getting things done.
No one has to whip them to move, do their work or to work together.