Blessing in Disguise

Tala Ramadan
Data and Society
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2018

Open data is a concept in which governments publish information related to the state, the data can be used amongst citizens, and it can be an additive social value by providing substantial economic growth. Open data makes the citizens surveil the government’s activities. Although the open data strategy can be a plus to the transparency of the government since it builds up on the citizens’ engagement,it can also make a challenge can rise to the surface; quantifying the immeasurable. In some countries open data is not just a policy, but it is a law.

Beirut hugs its citizens with a maddening (not exaggerating) traffic congestion. I believe one key element traffic solutions in this overcrowded city, is open data. The data should include factors to better understand the transport network and weather public transportation is covering the transport network as is or not.

On another failure, Ajaltoun (located in Kisserwan- District of the Mount Lebanon Governorate), many deaths and injuries are recorded in this area due to traffic collisions. The open data provided for this case will annually show the circumstances of injury road accidents in this area.

Sidon (South Governorate), has also encountered a type of failure: pollution. This are was exposed to a lot of untreated waste that has been dumped in sea waters. The open data that will promise good results; are data that monitor the quality conditions of water and it will spot where the pollution exist in this way companies can know where to focus the pollution control energies and where progress can be made and then the government will know how to invest in something that is being proven and throughly studied.

When open data is exposed, government officials and non governmental organisations are held more accountable for anything. It is the court of citizens in which people become more educated on the processes that the government are undergoing and gives them the opportunity to know f they should pick their own stance or not. On another note, it helps them monitor the government’s actions. If the government is not satisfying people’s need and the open data confirms so, then open data can stand as a mean of action for people.

Data intrigues knowledge, and knowledge intrigues ideas. Ideas in which developments that are beneficial and convenient can take place and be stemmed from the mere existence of data.

Although we can find endless advantages to open data. Disadvantages can still surface.

In order for data to be understood; it should be explained.

Raw data is only understandable to people who are the elite in dissecting the data. For data to be a main element in the quiet revolution that people can make; the data should be accessible, and understandable. Open data can be useless if no one is looking into it and exploring what can be done in the near future. On another note, data should be updated constantly in order for people to see the difference done over time and maybe this will explain many things.

Many risks can come with open data, for instance if we want to talk about the data that is portrays traffic details, will invade the privacy of the drivers because it might include their car plate numbers, this is a privacy matter and open data versus privacy can be a new equation to solve.

Many risks can surface by the open data exposure. This is why such matters should be conducted carefully in which privacy is considered.

