Data Visualization

Rouba Tamim
Data and Society
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2019

The past decades has seen significant progress in strengthening equal rights for women, with respect to economic opportunity but also access to education and health. However, in many parts of the world these developments are still compromised by lack of sufficient legislation and social or cultural norms that prevent women from fully participating and taking control over their lives.

Mostly in Cyprus, Canada, France and Germany, we can see that also in the parliament the parliamentary seats held by women are very low. Not to forget the Gender gap in average wages is high. In addition, in 2017, the Women’s weekly earnings as a percentage of men’s is also very low compared to men’s earnings and the Ratio of female to male labor force participation rate is high.

I chose to work with these problems because with them we can see how the gap and the inequality is happening and we can shed light on women that women has rights, they can also work just like men and should earn like men and be in the parliament as well. Women should have equal rights with men and should not be treated in a different way like they are now is some countries

In this bar chart we can see in these four countries the number of seats held by women in the parliaments according to the years. We can see that the number did not go high enough to in Cyprus and in Canada, it decreased in Germany from 37 in 2014 to 31 in 2018 but in France, it increased well, from 26 in 2014 to 40 in 2018. We can see that in some countries like France, women’s right is increasing in the parliament and more women are taking seats in it and have a right to say and to talk about problems that the country is facing

In this line chart we can see in these three countries the gender gap that is taking place is high. In Germany, it is the highest that is 22% since 2010 until 2014, in Cyprus it was 17% in 2010 and it decreased to 14% in 2014, which shows that this country is making changes and in France, it is 16% since 2010 until 2014. In both Germany and France the gender gap in average wage is kind of high and not changing. Women’s right is not attained very much and the gap is somehow stable and not undergoing changes.

In this bar chart we can see in the world that the weekly earnings between women and men is very high at the age of 16 to 24 years, in 2004 it was 94% and in 2005 it became 93%, it did not change very much. From the age of 25 to 34 years in 2004 it was 88% and in 2005 it became 89%, it also did not change very much. From 35 to 44 years in 2004 and 2005 it’s 76%, and from 45 to 54 years it was 73% in 2004 and it increased to 75% in 2005. Women are still suffering from the earnings. The inequality is still very high.

In this heat map, we can see the ratio of female to male labor force participation rate in 2017. In Canada, China, Germany and France its between 70% and 80%. In Argentina, it is between 60% and 70%. The numbers are high. Theirs is inequality between men and women and the women’s right is not attained.

