Leveraging Spatial and Demographic Data for Enhanced Local Marketing Strategies

Diana Trifonova
Data Arena
Published in
4 min readOct 27, 2023

In today’s highly-competitive market, experts need new tools and strategies to get closer to their customers. One exciting opportunity that is currently being explored is the combination of Demographics data, Points of Interest (PoI) locations, Footfall traffic, and Spatial area boundaries. In this article, I will explore the benefits of creating profiles of Local Areas by combining those data types.

The Power of Local Area Profiles

Local area profiles (segmentations) provide a detailed and powerful but at the same time simplified view of specific geographic areas, offering insights into their population demographics, retail landscape, social and health environment, and other key characteristics of the area. These profiles can be based on a variety of geographic scales (called brick geographies), such as 100m square grid, H3 Uber grid cells, postal areas, neighborhoods, towns, cities, or even larger regions. By presenting data in a structured and easy-to-understand way, area segmentation helps various stakeholders from different industries make informed decisions.

Each data type mentioned below contributes uniquely to building an accurate and precise profile of a local area:

  • Demographics Data: Reveals local patterns based on age, income, education, housing state and other essential characteristics of the residents.
  • PoI Locations Data: Improves understanding of the area sentiment: Rural vs Urban, Residential vs Industrial vs Commercial, Less Affluent Area vs Affluent areas, areas populated by minorities vs areas populated by native population.
Visual Representation of Restaurants Density in Belgium Municipalities (Image created by the author)
Visual Representation of Restaurants Density in Belgium Municipalities — Image created by the author
  • Footfall Traffic: Offers insights into crowd density, mobility patterns, and peak hours.
  • Spatial Area Boundaries: Helps in understanding geographical constraints and opportunities.

Constructing Local Area Profiles

Simplified Process of Building Local Area Data
Simplified Process of Building Local Area Data — Image created by the author
  1. Data Collection: It begins with sourcing accurate and up-to-date data from trusted providers or open-source platforms such as census.gov, geolocet.com, esri.com.
  2. Data Cleaning: As with any dataset, it’s crucial to clean and preprocess the data to ensure its reliability.
  3. Integration: Data from different sources may need to be standardized and integrated into a consistent format.
  4. Analysis: Use statistical and machine learning tools to extract meaningful patterns and insights.
  5. Visualization: Present the findings in easy-to-understand formats like maps, charts, or graphs.

Outsourcing the Process of Constructing Local Area Profiles

Often businesses does not have the required internal resource and knowledge to build Local Area Profiles. Outsourcing to experienced vendors is an option organizations should consider. It has numerous benefits such as expertise on demand, cost-efficiency, and scalability, among others. A couple of examples of Data Services Providers specialized in Local Area Data are Experian Marketing Services — covering USA, UK, New Zealand, and Australia, and Geolocet — focused on Europe.

Translating Profiles into Marketing Strategies

Detailed local area profile can help decision-makers make informed, and thus, better choice in numerous aspects of their marketing strategy:

  • Advertising: Targeted advertising to specific demographics based on local interests helps focusing on the right audience which results in reduced cost and increased response rate.
  • Optimal Store Placements: Choosing the best locations for new outlets based on footfall and nearby Points of Interest or optimizing the existing retail network by applying a scientific approach leads to increased number of store visitors.
  • Promotion Timing: Scheduling promotions during peak footfall hours or during local events is a cost-effective way of increasing customers’ satisfaction and brand awareness.
  • Product Placement and Brand Collaborations: Analyzing local interests and collaborating with local influencers or placing their products in local events gains direct access to their core audience which contributes to brand awareness and increased revenue.
  • Localized Content Creation: Tailoring content to local stories, issues, or interests has a higher engagement rate, making the brand more relatable to the community.
  • Event Sponsorships and Participations: Sponsoring local events based on the area profile has positive effect on the brand reputation as a community supporter which leads to increasing trust.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: By understanding the local sentiment and demographics, brands can create feedback channels that are more likely to be used by the local audience, ensuring valuable and actionable feedback.

Utilizing Local Area Profiles in building the Marketing Strategy is a cost-effective approach having positive impact on companies’ Net Promoters Score, brand-awareness, and revenue stream.


In conclusion, the landscape of modern marketing is evolving, with Local Area Profiles emerging as a pivotal tool. By harnessing the power of demographic data, Points of Interest, footfall patterns, and spatial boundaries, businesses can cultivate a granular understanding of different regions. This not only streamlines advertising efforts but also optimizes store placements, promotion timings, and other marketing strategies. Outsourcing the construction of these profiles to experts can be a viable option for businesses looking for precision without the heavy lifting. The overarching advantage of embracing these local insights is the tailored approach it offers — enabling brands to resonate more genuinely with their audience, thereby enhancing trust, brand awareness, and profitability. As markets continue to saturate, such innovative tools and strategies will be the differentiating factors for businesses striving for success.



Diana Trifonova
Data Arena

Expert in optimizing data strategies & driving innovation with more than 15+ years experience in the Data field.