Write for Data Arena

Thiago Cordon
Data Arena
Published in
7 min readMar 13, 2021

Share ideas, contribute to the data community and expand your network.

Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

Portuguese version here.

What you will find on this page

  1. Why become a contributor?
  2. Submission rules
  3. Guidelines
  4. How to submit your article?
  5. FAQ

Why become a contributor? 📝

Data Arena is an independent Medium publication and we are looking for writers that want to contribute to the data community by proposing relevant content focused on data engineering, data science, machine learning, data analysis, data visualization, data architecture and big data. We want to hear not only technical stories but also stories about managing data teams and data products. If you have something relevant to share about these topics, this publication is for you. We want to hear you!

Don’t worry if you are not a professional writer, check our “Guidelines” section, and there you will find some tips about how to prepare your article.

Contribute to the Data community. Publishing in Data Arena, you are contributing to the Data community, generating insights to other people and helping them to think differently and learn something new. It’s also a great opportunity to expand your network inside the community.

Earn money through the Medium Partner Program. Publishing in Data Arena enables you to monetize your work through the Medium Partner Program which monetizes based on the engagement from Medium members.

Writers keep 100% of the earnings they earn through their Medium account as part of the Medium Partner Program. The Medium Partner Program is not administered by Data Arena and we do not pay contributors directly for articles they voluntarily contribute. The payment is done directly by Medium to the writers.

You still remain the only owner of your work, in accordance with the Medium Terms of Service that you agree to when you create your Medium account.

Here you can find more details about how the earnings are calculated. Take into account that the Medium Partner Program is available only in the countries described on this page.

Reach a broader audience. Publishing your article with us you can reach more people than individual publications because your article will be featured on our page. Besides that, our audience is focused on data and you can benefit from that by receiving relevant feedbacks and exchanging ideas about your work.

You are the only owner of your work. You can add or remove articles at any moment, even after it is published.

Submission rules ⚠️

Before submitting your article, be aware of the following rules. Make sure you read and understand them before submitting an article to Data Arena. When you submit an article, we understand that you agree to these rules.

  1. Medium’s rules and terms of service apply to Data Arena as it is a Medium publication. Make sure you read it before submitting your article.
  2. You own the rights to the content you create and post on Medium and therefore Data Arena. You are also responsible for the content you post, meaning that you assume all risks related to it, including someone else’s reliance on its accuracy, or claims relating to intellectual property or other legal rights.
  3. After your article is published, you can make minor edits as long as they respect our rules.
  4. You can remove your article from our publication at any time.
  5. We might edit your content to correct basic spelling mistakes and update formatting if needed. Also, we might remove or ask to remove images where the source isn’t clearly stated. It is your responsibility to ensure you own or have a legal right to use, all content, images, and videos you include in your articles. We encourage you to use images from Unsplash, Pexels or Pixabay.
  6. If our editorial team finds one or more violations of our rules, we can remove you and all of your articles from our publication and report them to Medium.
  7. Your readers want to know who is the person behind the article. Please, include your real name, a photo and a bio in your profile to let them know you.

Guidelines 😉

Don’t worry if you are not a professional writer. We want to hear from you!

We want to publish high quality articles that people want to read so, here are some guides to follow.

1. Choose your story carefully

Avoid spending time on subjects that are well covered by other articles. If there’s a lot of articles that tell what you will tell, maybe it’s better to choose another topic or change the approach and explain that in a new use case.

2. Be clear in your message

Make clear to your readers what is your message. Tell them what is your idea, why should they care about that and what is your conclusion (even if it’s not the expected one).

Keep your article on-topic avoiding address a variety of different subjects inside the same article. Remember that you can write other articles to address other subjects in a more effective way. It will help to maintain your article concisely.

3. Support your ideas

Your audience doesn’t know you so they may not take for granted that you know what you are writing about or that they should uncritically believe what you say. You have to support your ideas to prove to them that what you are presenting is reliable.

Use reliable references when you are embasing your ideas and if you are sharing a solution, make sure it works. If are sharing a code, make sure it is clean, working and it is reproducible.

For your references, please respect this format:

[X] N. Name, Title (Year), Source

  • [X] is the number of your reference.


[1] A. Pesah, A. Wehenkel and G. Louppe, Recurrent Machines for Likelihood-Free Inference (2018), NeurIPS 2018 Workshop on Meta-Learning

4. Is your code well displayed?

When sharing code in your article, please, use one of these solutions:

5. Avoid promotional call to actions

Please, do not request to follow you, claps or donations. Readers know how to clap and follow you and they will do it if they want.

6. Choose the right tags for your article

The more specific your tags, the easier it is for readers to find your article and for us to classify and recommend your post to the relevant audience.

7. Choose a featured image for your article

Remember to add to your article a featured image that will be displayed on Medium pages when users see your article.

You can use Unsplash or make yourself a beautiful picture to attract attention from your readers.

8. Add picture sources

All pictures must have a source citation and a link to the source.

If it was created by you just add “Image created by the author” in the image caption.

Example of an image created by the author:

Data Arena logo — Image created by the author.

Example of an image from Unsplash:

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

9. Be careful about the data you are using

Always ensure that you have the right to collect, analyze and present the data you are using. It is your responsibility to be certain that you can present this data and your findings in an online article.

10. Make sure you are following the Medium’s guidelines

Here is a Medium’s guideline that we advise you to follow to assure your article is not violating it.


11. Get feedback before publishing your work

Ask for feedback before publishing your work is a nice habit to avoid mistakes that can push your readers away.

How to submit your article? 🚀

If you already are a Data Arena writer, you can follow these steps to publish your article.

If it’s your first article with us, you need to submit your article using this form below or through this link.

Once received your request, we will add you to the Data Arena as a writer and then you can follow these instructions to publish.

During your article analysis, we can ask you to do changes via comments on your article. After the review or if nothing needs to be changed, we will add your article to the Data Arena.

We don’t accept articles in PDF, word, google doc or any other format. We only accept the URL of your Medium article.

If you have any questions, complaints, feedback, or ideas, please, reach out to us via e-mail: dataarena.publication@gmail.com.


  1. Do I need to be a Medium member to publish articles? No
  2. Do I need to be a Medium member to be eligible for the Medium Partner Program? No
  3. How the earnings are calculated? Please, check the details on this page.
  4. In which countries the Medium Partner Program is available? You can find this information on this page.

