10 Days of Python OOP for AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning

Gianpiero Andrenacci
Data Bistrot
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2024
Python OOP for data science — All rights reserved

Welcome to my series on on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Python for AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning. Over the next 10 days, we embark on a journey designed not just to familiarize you with Python OOP but to deepen your understanding of its concepts and how they can be applied in data analysis, data science, and tailored to meet specific professional needs.

This series goes beyond mere “copy and paste” coding. It’s about grasping the fundamentals, understanding the why behind the how, and leveraging Python’s OOP power in AI, data science, and machine learning projects.

Each day is structured to introduce and explore key aspects of Python, particularly focusing on Object-Oriented Programming, a paradigm that is instrumental in developing scalable, efficient, and organized software.

Who is this series for?

This series is crafted from my learning path, and I hope it will prove useful for you. It requires a foundational knowledge of Python and data science basics. Through this journey, we aim to delve deeper into the OOP aspects of Python programming, especially as they apply to AI, data science, and machine learning domains.

Whether you are starting with a solid base or seeking to bolster and broaden your understanding, these 10 days are designed to be a rich resource. Let’s embark on this engaging path together, not just to code but to truly comprehend and apply our learnings effectively in the field of data science.

Let’s take a brief look at what each day offers:

Day 1: Understanding Object-Oriented Programming in Python

We kick off with a foundational understanding of Object-Oriented Programming in Python. This session lays the groundwork for OOP concepts, illustrating how they form the backbone of Python programming for AI and data science.

Day 2: Introduction to Key Concepts in Python Classes

  • The __init__ method: Learn how objects are born with initial properties.
  • The self keyword: Discover the role of self in accessing class attributes and methods.
  • Decorators in Python: Unravel the power of decorators in modifying and extending the behavior of your Python code in elegant ways.

Day 3: Special Methods in Python OOP

Dive into Python’s methods like __str__, __repr__, __eq__, __getitem__, and __setitem__.These methods, often referred to as magic methods or dunder methods (due to their double underscore prefix and suffix), enable your objects to implement, and therefore respond to, operations such as addition, iteration, length checks, string representation, and many more.

Day 4: Understanding Encapsulation in Object-Oriented Programming with Python

Explore encapsulation, the practice of bundling data and methods within a single unit or class and restricting access to the internals of that class.

Day 5: Inheritance in Python Object-Oriented Programming

Learn about inheritance, a fundamental OOP concept that allows you to extend the functionality of existing classes without rewriting them.

Day 6: Polymorphism in Python Object-Oriented Programming

Discover polymorphism, the ability of different classes to respond to the same function calls in their unique ways, enhancing flexibility and maintainability in your code.

Day 7: Python OOP Extending and Customizing Widely Used Data Science Libraries

See how OOP principles can be applied to extend and customize existing data science libraries, making them better suited to specific tasks or more efficient for your projects.

Day 8: Abstraction in Python OOP

Understand abstraction, the concept of hiding the complex reality while exposing only the necessary parts. It’s about making your code more intuitive and simpler to interface with.

Day 9: Handling Exceptions in Python OOP

Learn the best practices for handling exceptions in Python OOP, ensuring your programs are robust, error-resistant, and user-friendly.

Day 10: Composition in Python OOP

Finally, we delve into composition, a technique to combine simple classes or data types to build more complex ones. It’s a powerful alternative to inheritance for many scenarios in Python programming.



Gianpiero Andrenacci
Data Bistrot

Data Analyst & Scientist, ML enthusiast. Avid reader & writer, passionate about philosophy. Ex-BJJ master competitor, national & international title holder.