7 Days of Descriptive Statistics with Python

Focus on Data analysis and Data science

Gianpiero Andrenacci
Data Bistrot
7 min readAug 22, 2024


Welcome to my comprehensive series on Descriptive Statistics with Python!

Descriptive Statistics with Python — All rights reserved

Regardless of your experience level in data science, be it a novice or someone seeking to refresh your statistical knowledge, this course is designed to guide you through the fundamentals of descriptive statistics using Python, one of the most versatile and powerful programming languages for data analysis.

Understanding Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

Before plunging into the course content, it is essential to understand the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics.

Descriptive Statistics involves methods for summarizing and organizing data. It provides simple summaries about the sample and the measures. These summaries may include measures of central tendency (like mean, median, and mode), measures of variability (like range, variance, and standard deviation), and graphical representations (like histograms, box plots, and scatter plots).

Descriptive statistics help us to understand the basic features of the data and to present it in a meaningful way.

For example, if we have the scores of a class on a test, descriptive statistics would help us to find the average score, the highest and lowest scores, and how spread out the scores are.

Inferential Statistics, on the other hand, goes a step further and allows us to make predictions or inferences about a population based on a sample of data taken from that population. It involves using data from a sample to draw conclusions about a population, making it possible to estimate population parameters, test hypotheses, and make predictions. Inferential statistics relies on probability theory to gauge the reliability of the inferences made.

For instance, if we want to know the average height of all adults in a country, we can’t measure everyone’s height. Instead, we take a sample, measure the heights, and use inferential statistics to estimate the average height for the entire population.

In this series, we have embarked on a comprehensive journey through the fundamentals of descriptive statistics, with occasional forays into the realm of inferential statistics. Our aim has been to provide a clear and thorough understanding of how to describe and summarize data effectively, especially using Python.

Below, we summarize the key topics covered throughout the series.

Descriptive Statistics with Python — Learning Day 1

Data Types and Frequency Distributions

On the first day of learning, we introduced the basics of descriptive statistics, emphasizing their importance in data science and analysis.

Understanding data types is fundamental for proper data analysis. We explore different data types commonly encountered in datasets.

With data types clarified, we moved on to frequency distributions, which summarize how often each value occurs within a dataset.

Descriptive Statistics with Python — Learning Day 2

Types of Variables and Visualization With Python

On the second day of learning, our focus shifted to understanding different types of variables, an essential aspect for accurate data analysis. We explored how variables can be classified into categories such as continuous, discrete, categorical, and ordinal.

After establishing a solid understanding of variable types, we explore data visualization. Effective visualization is key to uncovering patterns, trends, and anomalies within data. We demonstrated various visualization techniques, such as bar charts, histograms, box plots, and scatter plots, using Python libraries like matplotlib and seaborn. These tools allow us to visually communicate insights and make data-driven decisions with greater confidence.

Descriptive Statistics with Python — Learning Day 3

Describing Data with Averages

On the third day of our learning journey, we focused on the various ways to describe data using averages. Averages provide a central value that summarizes a dataset, offering a quick snapshot of the data’s central tendency.

We explored different types of averages, including the mean, median, and mode. Each of these measures provides unique insights into the data. The mean gives an overall average, the median offers the middle value, and the mode identifies the most frequently occurring value. Understanding when and how to use each measure is essential for accurate data interpretation.

Using Python, we demonstrated how to calculate these averages and interpret their meanings in real-world datasets. By employing libraries such as pandas and numpy, we showed practical examples of how to summarize data effectively, making complex data more understandable and accessible.

Descriptive Statistics with Python — Learning Day 4

Describing Variability

On the fourth day of our learning series, we shifted our focus to describing variability in data. While averages give us a central point, variability tells us how spread out the data points are around that central value. Understanding variability is key to fully comprehending the characteristics of a dataset.

We covered several measures of variability, including the range, variance, and standard deviation. The range provides the simplest measure, showing the difference between the highest and lowest values. Variance and standard deviation offer more detailed insights by considering how each data point differs from the mean.

Using Python, we illustrated how to calculate these measures of variability. By utilizing libraries such as numpy and pandas, we showed how to implement these calculations on real datasets. Visual aids like box plots and histograms were employed to visualize variability, helping to convey the spread and distribution of the data clearly.

Understanding and describing variability equips us with a deeper insight into our data, allowing for more nuanced analysis and better decision-making based on statistical findings.

Descriptive Statistics with Python — Learning Day 5

Correlation and Causation

On the fifth day of our learning series, we explored the concepts of correlation and causation, which are fundamental to understanding relationships within data.

Correlation measures the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. We examined different types of correlation, such as positive, negative, and no correlation, and used statistical methods to quantify these relationships.

However, correlation does not imply causation. Just because two variables are correlated does not mean that one causes the other. We discussed how to interpret correlation results carefully and consider other factors that could influence the observed relationships. We also looked at methods to investigate causation, such as controlled experiments and observational studies, highlighting the importance of context and critical thinking in data analysis.

By the end of this session, we gained a deeper understanding of how to identify and interpret relationships in data, as well as the crucial distinction between correlation and causation. This knowledge is essential for making informed and accurate data-driven decisions.

Descriptive Statistics with Python — Learning Day 6

Regression Toward the Mean

On the sixth day of our series, we dived into the concept of regression toward the mean, a fundamental principle in statistics that highlights the tendency of extreme observations to return closer to the average over time.

We began by explaining the theory behind regression toward the mean, using real-world examples to illustrate how this phenomenon manifests. For instance, we discussed how an athlete’s exceptional performance in one season is likely to be followed by a more average performance in the next, or how a particularly bad test score is often followed by scores closer to the student’s typical performance.

Understanding regression toward the mean is pivotal for making sound decisions based on data, as it helps to avoid overreacting to short-term fluctuations and recognizing the long-term trends. This principle underscores the importance of considering a broader context when evaluating performance and making predictions.

Through practical examples and visualizations, we highlighted how regression toward the mean can influence various aspects of data analysis, ensuring that our interpretations and decisions are more balanced and informed.

Descriptive Statistics with Python — Learning Day 7

Linear Regression

On the seventh day of our series, we explored the powerful and widely-used technique of linear regression. Linear regression allows us to model and analyze the relationship between two variables by fitting a straight line to the observed data.

We started by explaining the basics of linear regression, including the concepts of dependent and independent variables. Using simple, real-world examples, we illustrated how changes in one variable can predict changes in another.

Next, we demonstrated how to implement linear regression in Python using libraries such as scikit-learn and statsmodels. We walked through the process of fitting a linear model to a dataset, interpreting the results, and evaluating the model's performance using metrics like the R-squared value.

To bring the concept to life, we applied linear regression to a sample dataset, visualizing the fitted line and the data points using matplotlib. This visual representation helped to clarify how well the model describes the relationship between the variables.

Understanding linear regression equips us with a valuable tool for predictive analysis. It enables us to make informed decisions by quantifying relationships within data and predicting future trends based on historical patterns.

By the end of this session, we had a solid grasp of how to use linear regression to uncover and model relationships in data, enhancing our ability to make data-driven decisions in various contexts.

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Gianpiero Andrenacci
Data Bistrot

AI & Data Science Solution Manager. Avid reader. Passionate about ML, philosophy, and writing. Ex-BJJ master competitor, national & international titleholder.